Saudi Arabia calls on Security Council to condemn Houthi attack on oil tanker

  • 4/5/2018
  • 00:00
  • 24
  • 0
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DUBAI: Saudi Arabia has voiced concern over the ballistic missile attacks on March 25, 2018, and the recent naval attack launched following the visit of the EU delegation to Sanaa, days earlier on March 19, the Saudi press agency, SPA reported on Thursday.  The statement added that many countries had warned against such visits to the Houthis, as they legitimized the militia group, and the Houthis continued use of violence and refusal to engage in political dialogue with the legitimate government in Yemen as recognized in various Security Council resolutions. Saudi Arabia stressed that the Houthis rejection of a political dialogue was strongly confirmed by the Houthi’s rejection of UN proposals to increase commercial and humanitarian shipments through the Red Sea ports, including new arrangements for the administration of Hodiedah port and city. In addition to their rejection of agreeing to resume government salaries and maintain basic governmental services in all regions of Yemen. The statement added that the Saudi government regretted the extent to which the Iranian-backed militia had rejected such proposals, which would “significantly improve the humanitarian situation in Yemen.” And it concluded that the Houthis would continue to “refuse to engage in any political dialogue as long as they were ordered to do that by their sponsor, Iran.”

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