Turkey Warns of New Cross-Border Offensive in Syria

  • 5/6/2018
  • 00:00
  • 8
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Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan warned on Sunday that Ankara could launch new cross-border offensives in Syria to clear its border of terrorist groups. "Turkey will launch additional offensives like Euphrates Shield and Olive Branch operations to clear its border of terror organizations in the new era," Erdogan said as he revealed the ruling Justice and Development Partys (AKP) manifesto in Istanbul ahead of the snap June 24 elections. Operation Euphrates Shield took place between August 2016 and March 2017 against ISIS, while the Olive Branch offensive targeted the Peoples Protection Units (YPG) group in its western enclave of Afrin earlier this year. The president did not give any details on where the next operation could take place although there has been speculation that Ankara could launch an offensive in northern Iraq. Turkey says the YPG is linked to the outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), which has been waging an insurgency inside Turkey since 1984. The PKK has bases in the Qandil mountain area of Iraq. Speaking to thousands of supporters in Istanbul, Erdogan said Turkey’s operations along its southern border would continue “until not a single terrorist is left.” “We will not give up on constricting terrorist organizations. In the new period, Turkey will add new ones to the Euphrates Shield and Olive Branch operations in order to clear its borders,” he added. “We shattered the terror corridor being formed on our southern border with these operations. Our soldiers, who lastly wrote an epic in Afrin, are ready for new missions,” he said. Erdogan has previously threatened to push its Afrin offensive against the YPG further east to Manbij, where US troops are stationed, risking confrontation between the NATO allies. However, Ankara and Washington have reached an understanding on a roadmap in Manbij in which the gunmen will leave the area, Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said on Sunday, adding that the details were being discussed with the new US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo. Erdogan has also said Turkey could carry out a joint offensive against Kurdish militants in northern Iraq with Baghdad. Cavusoglu said the operation was still on the agenda. The Turkish head of state last month announced snap presidential and parliamentary elections on June 24 to the surprise of Turkish politics observers. After these polls, Turkey will implement constitutional changes approved in the April 2017 referendum to create an executive presidency which expands the presidents powers. "June 24 is going to be a milestone for Turkey," Erdogan said.

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