Arab Coalition Airstrike Kills Dozens of Houthi Militiamen in Zubaid, Hodeidah

  • 7/3/2018
  • 00:00
  • 10
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A Yemeni military source confirmed on Monday that airstrikes by the Saudi-led Arab coalition killed and wounded dozens of Houthi militiamen in Zubaid, located south of Hodeidah. Incoming reports said air raids by the coalition, backing the country’s internationally-recognized government, killed several Houthi leaders on the west coast of Yemen while the national army and Popular Resistance advanced towards the eastern areas of Hodeidah. According to the official news site of Yemen’s Ministry of Defense, the air raid targeted the headquarters of the Houthi militia in the district of Zabid. The airstrike killed and wounded dozens of Houthis, the report said. As for locals, seven displaced Yemenis belonging to one family were killed by a coup-planted landmine in Zubaid while attempting to escape conflicted territory and head for Khokha, a recently liberated and government-secured town. Iran-backed militants continued to indiscriminately shell residential neighborhoods east of Taiz, killing two civilians and injuring three others, mostly children. Houthi bombardment targeted a house in Al-Kamab neighborhood, east of Taiz, killing Saleh Ahmed Shamlan and five-year-old Rahaf Ahmad Abdullah, and wounding three other children, local residents and medical sources told Asharq Al-Awsat. Saudi ambassador to Yemen, Mohammed Al Jaber, commented on new humanitarian crimes committed by Houthi militias in Taiz. Houthi militias backed by and trained in Iran are surrounding cities, stealing childhood and lives, he said in a tweet. Jaber stressed that the Iran-backed group “sees in Yemen only targets for killing, starvation, fear, terrorism and intransigence, and does not see a future for Yemen-- it suffocates the lives of children with hunger, fear and murder.” Authorities in Taiz urged United Nations organizations and the UN Security Council to exert effective pressure on militias to prevent the persistent targeting of civilians and force coup militias to abide by international conventions on human rights in times of conflict and war, which lists targeting civilians as a war crime.

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