Why is the game "clash of clans" the most popular

  • 12/23/2014
  • 00:00
  • 16
  • 0
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http://www.sabqk.com/contents/myuppic/05498b4c8a2a14.jpeg Released game "clash of clans"; or "tribal conflict", in 2012, and quickly dominated the Apple store, and I climbed up and got taken it to the title of "Top profitable application." In 2013, a year later-that put the game-application revenues reached the $ 892 million, and that the application achieves US $ 5.15 million per day. The game revolves around the idea of ​​fortifying and defending the village from the invasion of the players and their tribes, and raiding other tribes in order to obtain the resources and then start the process all over again. This game players pay to addiction, because the log out of the game means leaving open village to raid other players, so many people prefer to stay in front of their screens. Among those players "Tyrael"; a student of Science Technology, in New Jersey, 21 years old, works a firefighter after school hours. Game statistics showed that "Tyrael" is one of the best players in, has left open the application for "8.000 to 9.000 hour" since its inception, but playing the game only 25% of the time, because it tends to spend time in the training of troops and the training of troops is a process that can take some time, but indispensable to build resources to help get to the raid. Says "Tyreal"; "I ended up staying on the Internet 16 hours a day, and has become a daily routine." http://www.sabqk.com/contents/myuppic/05498b4e5ba931.jpg The "Tyreal" one of the first players who have full upgrade to his village, and this was the completion of a rare occurrence, but with a sim --- أكثر

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