Daesh attack kills 12 US-backed fighters in east Syria: monitor

  • 11/5/2018
  • 00:00
  • 12
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Twelve fighters of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) were killed and 20 wounded in a suicide car bombing An SDF spokesman, however, denied any members of his Kurdish-led alliance had been killed BEIRUT: US forces on Sunday patrolled an area in northeastern Syria bordering Turkey after renewed tensions between Ankara and Syrian Kurds, a spokesman and an AFP reporter said. Three armoured vehicles carrying soldiers wearing the US flag on their uniform arrived in the Kurdish-held northeastern border town of Al-Darbasiyah, the correspondent said. Turkey last week raised threats against Kurdish forces in northeastern Syria, shelling their positions and flagging a possible new offensive. Meanwhile, the Daesh group killed 12 US-backed fighters in a surprise attack Sunday from the militants’ holdout in eastern Syria on the Iraqi border, a Britain-based monitor said. Twelve fighters of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) were killed and 20 wounded in a suicide car bombing and subsequent clashes in the eastern province of Deir Ezzor, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said. An SDF spokesman, however, denied any members of his Kurdish-led alliance had been killed. “There are counter-attacks every day and the clashes are ongoing, but the talk of martyrs among our ranks is not true,” Mustefa Bali said. According to Observatory chief Rami Abdel Rahman, Sunday’s attack “started with a car bomb driven by a suicide attacker against an SDF position between Hajjin and Al-Bahra.” The attack allowed Daesh to advance toward Al-Bahra from its holdout around Hajjin, and push back the first lines of defense of the SDF, which is backed by the US-led coalition, the Observatory said. The SDF, with the support of coalition air strikes, in September launched an offensive to wrest the Deir Ezzor pocket including Hajjin from Daesh, making slow advances. But the alliance suffered a major setback as they retreated last week from the entire pocket after Daesh suicide bombings and low visibility due to sand storms. Last Wednesday, the SDF suspended its fight against the militants after Turkish forces fired on the group’s positions in northern Syria. The coalition estimates that 2,000 Daesh fighters remain in the Hajjin pocket. A total of more than 360,000 people have been killed since Syria’s multi-front war erupted in 2011 with the brutal repression of anti-government protests

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