Houthi militias in Yemen are rallying up loyalists in Sanaa for celebrating the birth anniversary of Islam’s prophet Mohammad (pbuh), local media stated. Most Houthi-held neighborhoods, in observance of the event, were swarmed with green colored banners and Khomeini-related mottos. For the Houthi Shiite militia in Yemeni, the 1970s Khomenini-led revolution in Iran is a major inspiration. Militiamen have sent out an invitation for all loyalists to gather at the heart of Sanaa city, in a display of absolute sectarian clout, insider sources told Asharq Al Awsat. More so, rally participants are being paid by Houthi leader Abdul-Malik Badreddin al-Houthi. Despite Yemen’s ailing economy, Houthis have allocated over YER65 billion (some $108 million) to organize a collective display of bellicose sectarianism across the war-torn country’s governorates and districts controlled by the Iran-backed putschists. Sanaa walls were covered in posters showing Houthi fighters killed in combat and painted slogans glorifying the coup. Sources reported Houthi militants ordering Sanaa locals to paint their porches, house facades, and neighborhood streets green; the group’s trademark color. Houthis splurging on events enraged civil servants who haven’t been paid in over two years and had their earnings spent on the group’s war effort, hidden agendas, and self-tailored celebrations. The majority of Yemenis do not object to celebrating the birth of the Prophet in their own right, but they reject flatulent sectarian displays and Iran-inspired ideology spread and promoted on the account of such holy occasions. This is the second year in a row that Houthis hold celebrations in their stronghold, Sanaa. Yemeni activists circulated pictures of a group of children in which Houthi militants forced them to take out some of their clothes and paint their bodies and faces in green.
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