UN Says Trump Statement on Golan Heights Will Not Affect its Stance

  • 3/23/2019
  • 00:00
  • 14
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United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres declared that the international stance on the Israeli occupation of the Syrian Golan Heights will not change, his spokesman Farhan Haq quoted him as saying. Haq told Asharq Al-Awsat that Guterres stressed the need to commit to all international resolutions related to the Golan, while also refusing to directly comment on US President Donald Trump’s statement in which he recognized Israeli sovereignty over the territory. The UN Security Council is set to meet to discuss the extension of the mandate of the organization’s Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF) in the Golan in wake of Guterres’ latest report on the situation there. The UN chief had released his report on the Golan shortly before Trump made his controversial statement, which was widely condemned in the region and beyond. “The UN stance has not changed after the US president’s tweet. We do not respond to tweets,” Haq said. The UN is committed to all Security Council and General Assembly resolutions that deem the occupation of the Golan as illegal by international law. In his report, Guterres expressed his grave concern “about the escalation of tension between the parties to the Disengagement of Forces Agreement as shown, among others, by the events of November 29, 2018 and January 20 and February 11, 2019.” He noted with “concern the continued military activities and presence of the Syrian armed forces in the area of separation on the Bravo side”, or liberated Golan territories. He also highlighted the March 13 letter by Israel’s permanent ambassador to the Security Council, Danny Danon in which he warned of a “vast Hezbollah terror network positioned” on the Bravo side. He said that “Hezbollah has seized the opportunity to establish a Syrian terror front from which to attack Israel.” Danon further alleged that the terror network ranged from Hadar to Arnah, Khan Arnabah and Qunaytirah. He also stated that Israel held the Syria “entirely responsible for any and all acts” from its territory. Moreover, Guterres urged Israeli forces to “refrain from firing across the ceasefire line. The continued presence of unauthorized weapons and equipment in the area of limitation on the Alpha side is also of concern. These developments jeopardize the Disengagement of Forces Agreement.” “I urge the parties to exercise maximum restraint at all times.”

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