No Iranian terrorists are safe in wake of Soleimani’s death

  • 1/10/2020
  • 00:00
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The elimination of Qassem Soleimani can be considered one of the noblest actions in combating terrorism, and has removed one of the world’s most important terrorist leaders, who was responsible for managing terrorism in the region and its ramifications. Most of the countries in this region have complained about the terrorist militias affiliated with Tehran and their criminal roles, and many have called for their dismantling and elimination. These militias are exporting Iran’s terrorism and tearing at the fabric of the social unity in countries around the region. The targeting of the head of these terrorist militias is the largest and most important step that has been taken to confront and counter terrorism. Many people wished that this would have happened a long time ago. And if the same had also been done with those who lead the militias affiliated with Tehran in countries such as Lebanon, Yemen, Syria and Iraq, the world would be better off today. Soleimani’s hands were stained with the blood of millions of Arabs, while he was also responsible for their displacement around the world and the killing of many Americans. Eliminating him sends a message to the rest of the terrorists that they are not safe anymore. Once again, we must stress on action to eliminate terrorists and dismantle militias, which are considered the most important steps that lead to peace and the elimination of terrorism. The international coalition that was formed to defeat Daesh should continue to carry out its war on terrorism by defeating the Iran-aligned militias, which are considered a source of danger that destabilizes the region and the world. In order to confront and combat terrorism, there may well be reactions, but the stability and security the world will enjoy after the eradication of terrorism will be more important. Every action has side effects, such as with medicine, but the danger of staying silent and letting threats grow is the real danger that will make the region and the world suffer harm at the hands of these militias. As they expand more and more, their danger becomes greater. The representatives of the Iraqi government are now biting the hand that fed them Dr. Hamdan Al-Shehri Whoever condemns this process is nothing but a supporter of Soleimani and his terrorism. No one wants to be on the side of someone who defends or sympathizes with a murderer like Soleimani. It had recently become obvious to Tehran that the Iraqi people, including the Shiite street, and other Arab nations demanded the exit of Tehran and the dismantling of terrorist militias that carry weapons outside the framework of the state and are instructed by Ali Khamenei’s orders. Soleimani did not like this message, so he had his militia conduct an airstrike that killed an American contractor in Iraq. The US then responded in the framework of protecting its forces and interests in the country. Soleimani escalated his orders to storm the Green Zone and the Iraqi government did not carry out its work by protecting the US Embassy, which was attacked by Iran’s agents in Baghdad. Tehran was aiming to control all parts of the Iraqi state, liquidate the demonstrators, spread terrorism and attack US bases in Iraq. It had to be stopped by the removal of the mastermind Soleimani from the scene once and for all. What happened in Iraq after Soleimani’s killing was a demand by the country’s Parliament — minus most of the Kurdish and Sunni MPs, who did not attend the vote — to request the withdrawal of foreign forces. It is strange for this Iraqi government and its Parliament to make this demand, especially since it was the Americans who enabled them to be in such a position in the first place by removing Saddam Hussein from power. The representatives of the Iraqi government are now biting the hand that fed them. In any case, it is the people — who have demonstrated against Iran and its militias — that are the real representative of Iraq, not this submissive government or the Parliament represented by the Tehran-aligned militias. The US will ignore this request as it is non-binding, unacceptable and, in reality, represents only the views of Iran and the terrorist militias that voted for Khamenei’s wishes. Therefore, acceptance of this move could be considered as approving and recognizing Iran’s occupation of Iraq. • Dr. Hamdan Al-Shehri is a political analyst and international relations scholar. Twitter: @DrHamsheri Disclaimer: Views expressed by writers in this section are their own and do not necessarily reflect Arab News" point-of-view

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