What We Are Playing Today: PS4 game - Kingdom Hearts

  • 1/11/2020
  • 00:00
  • 4
  • 0
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“Kingdom Hearts 3” starts with Sora having failed his Master of Markery exam, having nearly succumbed to the darkness in a previous instalment and almost all out of power. The player takes on these challenges and delves into another Kingdom Hearts adventure that is slightly grimmer than any other in the franchise. This game has been long awaited, as the tale of the keyblade master finally picks up the pace and the beloved young protagonist faces enemies from the past all at once and, to some extent, they’re winning. What I found most notable in this instalment was to see a character as optimistic and full of life as Sora finally break down and feel hopeless as it reminded me of obstacles when growing up. It showcases him going full circle as a character, being shaped by his struggles and eventually overcoming them. True to its reputation, the game has evolved so much in many regards. Fighting sequences and styles vary, the mobility is enhanced and Sora flits through enemies smoother than any other game in the series. The additional worlds are entertaining and dazzling, so beautifully designed and made for exploration. As someone who loves looking into every nook and cranny for a treasure chest or a secret boss, I immensely enjoyed the expanse of Arendelle, Toy Box and Kingdom of Corona.

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