‘Car bricking’: why your next high-tech vehicle could be made obsolete at any moment

  • 2/15/2020
  • 00:00
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In a classic case of 21st century consumer activism, a disgruntled US Tesla owner took to the forums last month. He had an issue that no ordinary driver would have considered possible a decade ago. A “full self-driving” software package, worth several thousand dollars, had been removed remotely and without warning after he bought his Model S second-hand from a dealership. We’ve all dealt with the frustration of pricey electronics gradually failing to work properly after a year or two of ownership. Apple and Samsung have been hit by legal action and fines over the alleged "planned obsolescence" of their handsets. Mobile phone companies have provoked outrage by forcing customers to update their phones under threat of "bricking" – essentially turning a smartphone into a useless paperweight. Cars are the new computers. This means their software is better than it has ever been – but it also means manufacturers have an unprecedented amount of power to chop and change their customers" precious private automobiles. And it’s one thing when your mobile phone runs out of memory, and quite another when a pricey vehicle, which cost thousands of pounds and might be the key to your social life and your only way of getting to work, suddenly stops working the way it’s supposed to. In his forum post complaining about the deletion, the Tesla owner known only as “Alec”, wrote that the software had been “yanked”. He quoted an email from the company’s customer support stating that his car had been “incorrectly configured for Autopilot”. “What would be next?” he said, reeling off a series of other features the company could theoretically remove. “Maybe [the] geofencing me since I did not pay for rights to travel outside of my city? Am I delusional?” There’s nothing to suggest that Tesla actually plans to do any of this, but over-the-air software updates undoubtedly change a driver"s whole relationship with the company that made their car. And more firms are following the California company"s lead, building cars which are ever more high-tech. Alec won"t be alone in his fears. With this new technology, what"s to stop a car company if it decides it doesn’t want to provide a service any more, or determines, rightly or wrongly, that a customer doesn’t qualify for an upgrade? There is likely to be hefty consumer pushback against changes to the business model which allows people to buy a car and use it indefinitely without interference. Evidence suggests that customers are unwilling to accept an ongoing charge to continue to use a car they have already paid for. Last year BMW dropped a controversial earlier decision to charge customers $80 a year for the navigation and entertainment feature Apple CarPlay, which lets people connect an iPhone to their car. This becomes even more critical when the feature being updated is something more fundamental - like a computer which brakes for you. Despite its name, Tesla’s “full self-driving” is not actually full self-driving. Instead, customers pay for a promise of future software which will, the company says, eventually be capable of piloting the car itself. For now, Teslas come with Autopilot, a driver-assistance system which the company says is much safer than a human driving unassisted. Car manufacturers from Ford to Cadillac are equipping their newest models with driver-assist systems which can brake and change lanes. These companies all ask buyers to pay upfront for the feature, but the ease of its removal raises interesting questions. In the future, are car owners going to lose their lifesaving driver-assist systems overnight if they fail to keep up with subscription payments? Is that ethical? Today, car parts last a decade or more, but software develops much faster, meaning that without updates olders cars quickly get left behind. And what if you don"t want to update at all? Like Apple customers, Tesla owners have also complained about forced updates, which restrict the functionality of the car until an owner allows new software to be installed. Car-makers have to balance the interests of their customers with the cost of keeping up with the latest technology. And that’s before you address the cyber-security and data protection implications of constant over-the-air software updates. “I think it will become an issue that has to be standardised and litigated,” says Carla Bailo, chief executive of Michigan non-profit the Centre for Automotive Research, who believes regulation will be needed to protect consumers. “Clearly, there"s manpower involved in creating those software updates. The companies are spending money and resources to create that, which has to be covered somehow. Just how to do that properly and fairly is going to be the tricky part.” Alec later posted that Tesla had been in touch and the software had been remotely restored, after his case was picked up and reported by the website Jalopnik. He said a customer service rep had called and told him that the issue had been a “miscommunication”. There has been no word from Tesla on why the software was removed or whether this could happen to another customer, and the company didn’t respond to our request for comment. But even if it was a one-off mistake, it"s yet another way in which our cars are becoming ever more like our phones, in the worst ways as well as the best.

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