Bibles, phones and other things you won't find in hotel rooms 10 years from now

  • 2/15/2020
  • 00:00
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he hotel world is a fast-moving place. Not literally, of course - hotels, by definition, don"t tend to move, on account of being buildings with foundations, and floors, and walls. But things change, fashions come and go, and this year"s artful wallpaper can be next year"s dreadfully dreary decor that even your grandmother would deem too dated. What was essential to a well maintained, thoughtfully fitted-out suite one minute can be a clunky piece of chintz, well past its zeitgeist date, by the time of the next redesign. The following items are all generally found in hotel rooms - or, at least, found in some hotel rooms - in these bright and early moments of the third decade of the 21st century. But will they be anywhere to be seen once 2030 rolls into view? Computer says no... Keys It used to be a simple matter. A hotel room has a door, and therefore needs a key. But in many cases, the traditional jangly metal pocket-snagger has already vanished, replaced by the faceless functionality of a plastic card. Even this will be history within the next 10 years - and probably in the next five. All unlocking will be done using your smartphone, which will be synched to the sensor on the door when you check in. Easy. Once part of the furniture, especially in America, the most published book in the history of humankind is slowly disappearing from view. Since 1908, they have been supplied, free of charge, by evangelical organisation Gideons International - which distributed 1.4 million copies to hotels around the planet last year alone (650,000 of them in the United States). But while these are big numbers, they are also decreasing. Research by the Washington Post shows that, while 84 per cent of American hotel rooms contained bibles in 2008, that figure had fallen to 69 per cent by 2016. There are several reasons for this. One is hotels recognising that, in a diverse world, a bible only serves one part of its customer base. A second is that, in the smartphone era, guests can pull up the New Testament - or any book they like - in seconds. A third is that providing a bible is increasingly viewed as old-fashioned. While Marriott properties still offer them, the hotel group"s younger, trendier side-brands Moxy and Edition don"t. Bear this in mind if, next time you reach for a few comforting pages of Deuteronomy before sleepy time, you open the bedside draw and find that the fire and brimstone is missing. Landline phones Already something of an anachronism now that we live our lives through our mobiles - and what purpose do they serve anyway? Why would you bother to ring home when you can not only talk to your loved ones, but see them eating their breakfast, lolling on the sofa, or picking their noses because the think you won"t notice, via the simple click of an app. In truth, the in-room landline phone has been dead for a while, killed by the exorbitant amounts hotels charge you if you make a call to anywhere further away than the end of the block - £27 for a snippy conversation with your half-asleep other half has never sounded like tremendous value. And the joy of dialling down to reception, only to be put on hold for seven minutes, is definitely overrrated. Want to order room service in 2030? A couple of swipes on a tablet, or interactions with a TV menu, and hey presto, here"s your dinner, arriving with that inevitable unnnecessary bread basket. Phones in the bathroom The removal of the landline phone will also take care of any lingering examples of this oddity. Why was this ever a thing? Who wants a phone call from someone on the loo? Baths Which is a shame, as a proper bathtub can be a delight - nothing soothes away the stress of a journey quite like a long soak. Well, apart from wine, obviously. Whisky, beer, gin and vodka too. You"d probably include cigarettes here as well, if that"s your thing. Maybe a nice massage in the spa - one of the gentle ones where you are caressed with citrus oil or stroked with ostrich feathers, rather than being pummelled by a small, angry woman. Sorry, where were we? Ah yes, baths. Lovely things, but they use a lot of water and take up a lot of physical area. It"s mainly the latter that hotels worry about - why use up space on something the Victorians thought was absolute state-of-the-art technology when you can install showers and leave more room for, well, more rooms? Non-complimentary Wi-Fi Just as the last dinosaur keeled over and died, so one day we will reach a point where the final hotel realises it is a really bad look to charge customers for a service that is all but ubiquitous in the wider world - and, thanks to their shonky IT set-up, is slower than what"s left of the glaciers. There is not a single person alive who will mourn the passing of a log-in process where you have to click on 14 tick-boxes, read eight disclaimers, choose from six options ("Premium Broadband", "Deluxe Broadband", "Super-Premium Broadband", "Premium-Super Broadband", Gold-Plated-Deluxe-Broadband-For-Total-Bosses Broadband"), and then do it all over again when the system kicks you out. When will this happen? About a minute after 5G comes online. Those stickers that housekeeping staff place on the first piece of loo roll (which has been folded to a point for reasons that remain utterly fathomless), which only serve to irremovably glue the paper to the piece beneath it, meaning you end up tearing both of them when you try to remove it, and have to throw them both into the bin, along with the stupid sticker - which is very wasteful in this day and age. A basic matter of evolution. It is too pointless to survive. Normal light switches Sadly, the purity of a plastic button that either turns a light on or turns it off again will be cast into the abyss of yesteryear, to be replaced by its demonic counterpart - the touchscreen smorgasbord of lighting options. In fact, this shining slab of evil wizardry is already with us. It can be recognised by its wicked deeds - steadfastly refusing to turn off that one light in the corner, no matter which combination of buttons you press; being so complicated that you need a PhD in maths to coax it out of stand-by mode; ignoring your instruction to turn on the bedside lamp, and instead, switching off the TV and ordering you a bowl of lobster bisque from the room-service menu; turning on every single light at once in the middle of the night, when all you wanted was to sneak to the bathroom - making your startled partner think you are being visited by angels. Plastic toiletries This is already happening. Last summer, Marriott - the world"s largest hotel chain, with 7,000 properties worldwide - announced that it is to stop providing toiletries in single-use plastic bottles, with the phase-out scheduled for the end of this year. Mandarin Oriental has made a similar promise, with "March 2021" scrawled in the diary. Accor - the 5,000-property European hotel group whose brands include Sofitel, Ibis and Fairmont - has said that it will cease supplying plastic toiletries by the end of this year, and all single-use plastic by the end of 2022. So if you love stuffing your suitcase with mini vials of conditioner, and those implausibly tiny shampoos which contain barely enough for half a hair-wash, then you"d better make the most of the next few months. Instant coffee You know the sort. The type of coffee that comes in thin sachets, and tastes so bitter that you could swear it was made from ground-down goat bones rather than anything which ever originally grew on a tree. And that"s before you add in the powdered "creamer", which sticks to the side of the cup/your teeth in gooey clumps. The world has moved beyond this. It has grown up. It now takes its coffee very seriously. It wants far better than a plastic beaker of tarry brown liquid - even if that means something a little too milky from one of the 47,274 Costanerobucks on the street outside the hotel. Trouser presses We live in a hipster world. Hipsters don"t press their trousers. Alarm clocks Just set your phone, mate. You aren"t starring in a remake of Groundhog Day.

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