Rest assured, your life is far too boring to worry about Alexa spying

  • 2/18/2020
  • 00:00
  • 4
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Technophobics relax: scientists have developed a device that stops Amazon’s big brother from spying on you - a bracelet (or a glorified tin hat, depending on how you look at it) capable of blocking Alexa-enabled devices from recognising your voice by turning human frequencies into white noise. Why? Because, lurking on the side table of homes and offices everywhere, more than 100 million of these inconspicuous-looking recording units exist today, primed to feed your every conversation into the servers of the world’s largest company. Just think of the implications. No really. Think properly. What is it that you are afraid of? What information are you guarding? “I don’t want that in the office - I know the microphone is constantly on,” said Heather Zheng to her computer scientist husband in regards to his new Amazon Echo, thus leading him to invent the so-called ‘bracelet of silence’. I can’t help wondering what sorts of state secrets this woman might be lacing into conversation between her discussions over lunch, car keys, and whose turn it is to take the bins out. In reality, I can only assume she has no secrets at all, but is simply scratching an itch to which all of us are prone. Humans are hard-wired to be wary of new things, particularly that which we don’t understand; it is an instinct that has served us well as we’ve evolved and explains why there has been a societal backlash against every major innovation to have entered our lives before bettering them. Plato worried, as more people started writing things down, that the practice would destroy the brain’s ability to memorise. When telephones were first introduced, rumours spread that they might cause deafness. To this day, we fear everything from vaccinations and GM food to AI and driverless cars - all things far more likely to advance humanity in the long run, not threaten it. Back to the Alexa Echo, and the implications of its microphone capabilities. “I’m incredibly worried,” said Silkie Carlo, director of the Big Brother Watch organization on Radio 4 this morning, “about the data collection ecosystem that exists around Amazon.” Smart speaker devices like this are registering what groceries we buy (the scandal!) and which films we watch, she argues; they are “capturing our intellectual curiosity”. Do we really want to live in a society where every question we ask is siphoned into an algorithm? Well, yes, if we also reap the convenience of Amazon learning our shopping lists and can make our peace with more relevant, better-targeted ads. Of course, it is not just algorithms that are party to our voice commands. Amazon states that its staff listen to “less than one per cent” of recordings, all anonymised, to hone its software and “check the accuracy of Alexa’s understanding”. Google Home has made similar admissions in regards to its smart speaker technology. Last year a human moderator for Apple’s Siri told The Guardian that they had heard mistaken recordings including sexual encounters, conversations with doctors and drug deals. This sounds bad, but again, to what end? No-one was identified, let alone exploited, arrested or even embarrassed. It is the government, not Apple, that holds the power to monitor and intercept your calls, messages and emails, and only in the event that you are suspected of committing a serious crime - in which case, yes, you have every reason to be paranoid. And if not? Former M15 spy Aimen Dean, a former Al Qaeda founder-turned double agent, spent years working for the UK’s anti-terrorism unit, screening banal phone calls for the utterance of suspicious phrases. When documentary producer Thomas Small, on their co-hosted podcast Conflicted, expressed squeamishness at this sort of public surveillance, Dean laughed and gently reminded listeners that the vast majority of our phone calls (and indeed our lives) are “extremely boring”. If we are to celebrate technology like facial recognition software, which enables us to make purchases from our phones just by glancing at the screen, then we must get into bed with the fact that our faces could be scanned too, by police and at airports. This is not North Korea. These are matters of convenience and safety, not totalitarianism. You don"t need a bangle to turn your background babble into white noise. As far as almost everyone else is concerned, it already is. The M15 does not care whether you’re having an extramarital affair over the phone, so long as it’s not with a terrorist. Amazon has no interest in who took the bins out last week, only what film you"re likely to want next. Plato would be relieved to hear that writing things down never ruined anyone"s memory. And you can relax in the knowledge that your life is as safe, easy and boring as it is.

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