How to be a long-distance grandparent

  • 2/18/2020
  • 00:00
  • 5
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As Harry and Meghan settle into their new life in Canada with baby Archie, one wonders how Prince Charles will manage to stay familiar to his little grandson. Long-distance grandparenting is a relatively new – and challenging – phenomenon. When grandchildren move far away – even when they’ve always lived somewhere distant – most grandparents still want to be part of their lives. Maintaining this relationship is important for all sorts of reasons. Sara Moorman and Jeffrey Stokes at Boston College studied longitudinal data of more than 300 American families and found a close and positive relationship between grandparents and their grandchildren had a measurable effect on the wellbeing of both groups, particularly as grandchildren became adults. Julia Griggs and colleagues at Oxford asked more than 1500 adolescents to complete a structured questionnaire about their families. Those who enjoyed higher levels of grandparental involvement (examples included care giving, non-judgmental listening and attending school events) had fewer emotional and behavioural problems and higher levels of pro-social behaviour. Adolescents living in single parent families and step-families benefited most. Furthermore, losing contact comes with costs. Linda Drew and Peter Smith at Goldsmith’s College asked more than 80 grandparents who had been separated from their grandchildren through divorce and/or parents moving away about their feelings and general health. 78 percent said their wellbeing had been adversely affected by the loss of contact; citing depression, anxiety, insomnia, social withdrawal and physical health problems. Sadly nowadays, this valuable relationship is frequently challenged in our increasingly mobile world. If you’re living apart from younger relatives, what can you do to remain a positive force in their lives? Learn to feel comfortable with modern technology If you communicate in ways your grandchildren are familiar with, they’re more likely to respond. Furthermore, video contact such as Skype or FaceTime can make you feel almost as if you’re in the same room. Schedule regular video time, and always schedule the next one before you log off. Use snail mail Although they’re more likely to respond to the familiar, they’ll also notice the unusual. Send something tangible regularly: letters, printed photos, small gifts, perhaps favourite foods you enjoy when actually together. Build traditions If there’s a particular phrase that makes them laugh or a joke you share, bring it up appropriately. If you remember Christmas or birthdays in a particular way, keep doing so. Familiarity encourages a sense of security. Respect their schedules Fitting in with their timetables means they’ll be more alert and keen to communicate. Build bridges Tell them stories about their parents when they were young. This builds connections across your three generations. Finally, and most important: Listen more than tell. You know them well and have watched them grow, but you don’t directly set the rules and boundaries. This makes you the perfect person for them to open up to, to share their worries and dreams. Listen patiently and kindly, and try to understand without judging. If you’re available in these ways regularly, yours will be lucky grandchildren.

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