شاهد: تصرف غريب من دب ضخم تجاه مخروط وجده ملقى على جانب الطريق

  • 4/2/2020
  • 00:00
  • 16
  • 0
  • 0

أثار “دب” دهشة المتفرجين عليه داخل متنزه دينالي الوطني في ألاسكا بالولايات المتحدة الأمريكية . ونشرت صحيفة الديلي ميل البريطانية مقطع فيديو للدب وهو يمشي داخل المتنزه ، وفجأة توقف بجوار مخروط برتقالي كان ملقى على جانبه . وقام الدب برد فعل غريب حيث أمسك المخروط بفمه وقام بوضع بطريقة صحيحة ثم أكمل طريقه . وعلق أحد المشاهدين على الفيديو قائلاً : ” هذا الدب يجب أن يكون الأخ الأكبر المسؤول حيث قام بتنظيف الفوضى” . View this post on Instagram WAIT FOR IT…This clip comes from the archives…shot several years ago on the Canon XL1 on a mini DV tape. Came across the footage while managing data a few weeks ago. Unfortunately only half the sequence was captured…there were two bears walking down the road in Denali National Park and I wasn’t filming because they were on the road…who wants road footage. Knowing they would eventually move off the road the camera was mounted on a tripod and ready. As the lead bear walked past the traffic cone he smacked it with a front paw and knocked the cone over. At this point I started filming thinking the bear bringing up the rear might continue to play with the cone and knock it around some more. But as you saw this bear must have been the responsible older brother and he cleaned up the mess. It just goes to show that you never know what’s going to happen in nature. •* Jukin Media Verified *
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For licensing / permission to use, please email licensing(at)jukinmedia(dot)com. • • #naturephotography #bear #nature #grizzlybear #bear #adventure #explore #wild #remote #alaska #explorealaska #touralaska #wildlife #naturephotography #denalinationalpark #wildlifephotography #summer #enjoyalaska #bearcub #wildandexposed #grizzlybear #remote A post shared by Michael Mauro (@michaelmaurophoto) on Feb 9, 2020 at 5:01pm PST

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