Coronavirus US live: Trump blames states for lack of supplies

  • 4/3/2020
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Report: Trump administration ended a pandemic early-warning program last year Just months before the coronavirus outbreak began, the administration ended a $200m early-warning program for infectious disease, the Los Angeles Times reports. The program was designed to help scientists in China and other nations monitor and respond to disease threats. From the LA Times: The project, launched by the U.S. Agency for International Development in 2009, identified 1,200 different viruses that had the potential to erupt into pandemics, including more than 160 novel coronaviruses. The initiative, called PREDICT, also trained and supported staff in 60 foreign laboratories — including the Wuhan lab that identified 2019-nCoV, the new coronavirus that causes COVID-19. Field work ceased when the funding ran out in September, and organizations that worked on the PREDICT program laid off dozens of scientists and analysts, said Peter Daszak, president of EcoHealth Alliance, a key player in the program. On Wednesday, USAID granted an emergency extension to the program, issuing $2.26 million over the next six months to send experts who will help foreign labs squelch the pandemic. But program leaders say the funding will do little to further the initiative’s original mission. Trump’s long musing about the Spanish influenza was in response to a question about 6m unemployment claims in the US. “We’re saying don’t go to work, and we’ll pay you,” he finally said, addressing the high unemployment rates. “Everything is the opposite.” The current plant to provide between $600 and $1200 for many, but not all Americans who are unemployed is likely to help, but wouldn’t cover rent for many families. The president said regardless, people will soon return to work. “I think it’s going to be boom times,” he said. “I think it’s going to be great.” In these extraordinary times, the Guardian’s editorial independence has never been more important. Because no one sets our agenda, or edits our editor, we can keep delivering quality, trustworthy, fact-checked journalism each and every day. Free from commercial or political bias, we can report fearlessly on world events and challenge those in power. Your support protects the Guardian’s independence. We believe every one of us deserves equal access to accurate news and calm explanation. No matter how unpredictable the future feels, we will remain with you, delivering high quality news so we can all make critical decisions about our lives, health and security – based on fact, not fiction. For as little as $1, you can support us, and it only takes a minute. Thank you. Fact check: There are a lot of young people in prison Trump said there are “a lot of young people in prison,” when asked about their risk of Covid-19 In fact, the US prison population has been consistently aging for the last decade. As of 2016, 12% of the prison population is 55 or older, surpassing the number of people between 18 and 24 for the first time. Here’s an article from the Marshall Project on the “greying” of US prisons. Fact check: Spanish flu Trump repeatedly referred to the pandemic in “1917” - he is likely referring to the Spanish Influenza outbreak, which lasted from 1918-1919. In the US, it was first identified among military personnel in the spring of 1918. “They just noticed they were dying all over the place,” Trump said, of the pandemic. He said the number of people who died of the disease during the pandemic, 75-100m people died. “I’ve heard 50 to 75, 75 to a 100,” he said. Per the CDC: “The number of deaths was estimated to be at least 50 million worldwide with about 675,000 occurring in the United States.” Trump mused that during the pandemic a century ago, people didn’t have computers and TVs to connect and stay entertained while stuck at home. “We can read on the internet,” he said. “But in 1917, they didn’t have that option.” Fact check: Flatliners Trump referred to states with “no bump” as “flatliners”, apparently arguing residents in some states have done a better job staying home than others, thereby flattening the curve. However, it’s difficult to tell whether those states are, in fact, experiencing fewer cases, because of the huge difference in how states are testing. For example, Arizona has tested only 13 residents per 100,000, compared to New York, which is testing 627 residents per 100,000. Trump also repeatedly referred to states with fewer cases, and states where the number of cases has increased slowly as “flatliners”. “Flatliner” is a term for patients who show no sign of a heartbeat or brain activity, meaning they are dying or have died. Fact check: California Donald Trump said that California is “very flat” referring to graphs showing the increase in the number of reported infections. In fact, California is one of the worst affected by the pandemic, with cases sharply increased over the past week – resulting in a very steeply curved “line” on a graph. Moreover, California has lagged in testing. Public health experts expect that the state will see many more cases as more people are tested for the disease. Jared Kushner denied that he was running a shadow task force, complicating the work of public health experts. “Everything that I am doing is at the direction of the Vice President,” the president’s son-in-law said. “ I talk to the VP sometimes five times a day. I also talk to Dr. Birx and Dr. Fauci.” Kushner earlier mentioned that he was able to secure PPE for a New York hospital after a friend of the president complained about a lack of supplies. Fact check: 85% of states have stay at home orders. Trump said 85% of states have issued stay-at-home orders. There are 50 states and 11 have not issued statewide stay-at-home orders. That means 78% of states have stay-at-home orders. Dividing any number of states by 50 wouldn’t produce 85%. Jared Kushner’s best words, from earlier in the briefing: Fact check: Travel restrictions The president touted the administration’s travel restrictions in response to criticisms that the administration was late to act on the coronavirus crisis. “I cut off China very early,” Trump said. “I cut off Europe very early.” In fact, the administration’s travel restrictions did not “cut off” travel — from Europe or China. The policies included several exemptions for American citizens and other groups of travelers. The administration’s restrictions came too late to make a significant difference, epidemiologists told the Guardian, as they were enacted after the virus was already spreading within the US. Still, the president boasted, “ee had bans long before we thought of bans,” referring to prior travel bans on mostly Muslim counties. “We’re looking at a lot of things and a lot of different bans.” Birx: "Not everyone is following the social distancing guidance" The climbing rate of infection in the US compared to the rate of infections in Italy is worrying, Dr. Birx said. “I can tell by the curve as it is today that not everyone is following the social distancing guidance,” Birx said. “We can bend our curve, but everyone has to take responsibility as Americans.” The newly approved coronavirus tests that can provide results within 15 minutes are being sent to Indian country and rural areas, according to Dr. Birx. A total of 18,000 tests going to be sent out, she said, to areas with limited infrastructure and ability to process tests, that are set away from big processing centers. Fact check: Scarves are better than masks A reporter asked whether the White House would recommend all Americans wear face masks, such as N95 respirators. In response, Trump said Americans could decide for themselves, and added: “In many cases the scarf is better, it’s thicker”. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention considers bandanas and scarves a last resort measure. Their efficacy is not studied. They do not come standard, like N95 masks, which under ideal circumstances are fitted specifically to people’s faces. They should not be considered an effective way to prevent coronavirus infection. They should be used only when there is no other option. “We don’t want people to get a false sense of security.” from masks, said Dr Deborah Birx. Masks are good for protecting others, Birx said – but they aren’t as useful for protecting yourself. Social distancing, and maintaining a 6ft distance between yourself, washing and disinfecting hands are much better ways of keeping safe, she said. Mike Pence said that the task force has proposed using some of the $100bn allocated to hospitals, to compensate them for caring for uninsured payments. Of course, that’s not the same as directly providing funds to uninsured families, which is what Trump mentioned. The vice-president said that the government will “find a way” to pay for the coronavirus treatment of uninsured people, and more details are forthcoming. Simply reopening the exchanges to allow uninsured people to become insured still doesn’t seem to be under consideration. Trump said that he’s going to get a “cash payment” to people unable to buy into the Obamacare exchanges. The White House has resisted calls to reopen the healthcare exchanges to allow uninsured Americans get health care coverage during the coronavirus pandemic.

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