Coronavirus US live: Trump holds briefing amid disinfectant row as US deaths pass 50,000

  • 4/25/2020
  • 00:00
  • 50
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Evening Summary Thank you for tuning in, readers! This is Kari Paul logging out for the night. Here is what we have covered in the last few hours. Trump gave a short-lived press conference, apparently part of a new strategy in which he makes fewer and shorter appearances to the public -- a departure from his daily pressers. Trump stressed in the presser that the economy would recover from coronavirus, touting recent stimulus checks. U.S. food and drug commissioner Stephen Hahn said 65 coronavirus tests have been approved and the FDA is expediting more as quickly as possible. The new economic rescue bill stands to benefit wealthy Americans more than others, a new analysis shows. Wealthy Americans and corporations stand to benefit more than others from the economic rescue package, a New York Times report showed. “Many of the tax benefits in the stimulus are “just shoveling money to rich people,” said Victor Fleischer, a tax law professor at the University of California, Irvine told the Times. One tax break in the bill, for example, only applies to companies with $25m in annual receipts. Another change lets people in households earning at least $500,000 a year — the top 1 percent of American taxpayers - deduct even more of their businesses’ losses from any winnings they reaped in the stock market, sharply reducing what they owe in capital gains taxes. Apparently Trump’s surprisingly short coronavirus briefing was part of a new policy. Trump may stop appearing daily at press conferences, according to a new Axios report. Advisers in the White House have told Trump he may be “overexposed,” causing him to sink behind Joe Biden in the polls. From the report: Another source close to the deliberations said there simply isn’t enough new material to justify Trump appearing before the press every day. “I mean, you wonder how we got to the point where you’re talking about injecting disinfectant?” the source wondered aloud. In these extraordinary times, the Guardian’s editorial independence has never been more important. Because no one sets our agenda, or edits our editor, we can keep delivering quality, trustworthy, fact-checked journalism each and every day. Free from commercial or political bias, we can report fearlessly on world events and challenge those in power. Your support protects the Guardian’s independence. We believe every one of us deserves equal access to accurate news and calm explanation. No matter how unpredictable the future feels, we will remain with you, delivering high quality news so we can all make critical decisions about our lives, health and security – based on fact, not fiction. Support the Guardian from as little as $1 – and it only takes a minute. Thank you. Well, that was a brief briefing. Donald Trump made opening remarks and handed over to Stephen Hahn, commissioner of the Food and Drugs Administration, and Vice President Mike Pence, but then fled without taking questions. The obvious conclusion is he is still smarting from Thursday night’s effort, when he wondered aloud if injecting disinfectant into patients might be a good idea and was duly hammered by doctors, politicians and even disinfectant makers. White House coronavirus task force briefings are often two-hour prime time marathons but on Friday Trump turned on his heel as reporters shouted questions in vain. Perhaps it was a fit of pique, or perhaps revenge is a dish best served cold. He may also have reached a tipping point with advisers warning that the briefings are now hurting him more than they help. Right on cue, minutes later, the Axios website reported that Trump plans to “pare back” his coronavirus press conferences, according to four of its sources. Next week, it said, “he may stop appearing daily and make shorter appearances when he does”. One other thought. What Trump might have delivered on Friday night was a sombre, landmark speech recognising that more than 50,000 of his countrymen have now been lost to the coronavirus. He did not. Political reporters are floored by the brevity of today’s White House briefing, which clocked in at less than 30 mins (others have lasted hours), and lacked the usual Q&A with reporters. Trump’s quick escape comes as the president faces a huge backlash over comments he made at yesterday’s briefing, where he mused on whether disinfectant or sunlight could be used internally to treat coronavirus. Today the president has attempted to backtrack, claiming his comments were merely “sarcasm”. As the Guardian’s Poppy Noor writes ... Now, this might cause one to question whether Trump knows the definition of sarcasm which, according to Merriam-Webster, is “a sharp and often satirical or ironic utterance designed to cut or give pain”. The thought of the president baiting journalists to see “how they would react” in a time of unprecedented crisis is unsettling, but it is nothing new: Trump has mastered the art saying one thing and retracting or changing his statement when public opinion doesn’t follow. Trump walked off stage quickly without taking any questions, unusual for the president in these recent press conferences where he often spars with reporters. Vice president Mike Pence now gives a nationwide update on the coronavirus pandemic and how states are responding. Various state governors have “made progress” in testing, Pence said. Many states are putting forth new technology to trace and treat coronavirus. Governor Kim Reynolds in Iowa has launched, a location to screen people with coronavirus symptoms and connect them with tests. Governor Mike Parsons of Missouri launched a website to list companies repurposing their manufacturing resources to make medical supplies. The state of Utah has launched a “healthy together” app to find testing locations. “I believe the day will soon come when we will heal our land,” Pence said. Trump praised the FDA extensively on Friday, despite the administration just today urging extreme caution on hydroxychloroquine. FDA commissioner Stephen Hahn also addressed concerns about inaccurate coronavirus antibody tests on the market. He said only four have been approved, but did not say how many were publicly available despite not being approved. Now U.S. food and drug commissioner Stephen Hahn is speaking. He said coronavirus tests from 65 companies have been approved. Meanwhile, the government is working with more than 400 companies developing additional tests for the coronavirus, and coronavirus antibodies. In addition to tests, the FDA is looking into additional types of coronavirus treatments. “We are leaving no stone unturned in finding treatments for COVID-19,” he said. Trump has been criticised for touting unproven treatments for Covid-19 including hydroxychloroquine - despite a near total lack of scientific study on the safety and efficacy in coronavirus patients. Trump quickly pivots to a focus on the economy, saying that he spoke with the Apple executive Tim Cook who said the market is “going to be a ‘V’ – it’s going to go quickly back upward”. The president said more than 80 million Americans have already received their stimulus checks and that it will aid in an economic recovery. “Over the last three years we built the strongest economy and the most successful country the world has ever seen greatest economy, the world has ever seen,” he said. “We will rebuild that economy, our economy in the not too distant future.” The press conference begins with Trump claiming “very significant progress” in the fight against the coronavirus. He said 18 states now show a decline in a number of positive tests in the last seven days. Hello readers, Kari Paul here hopping on the blog for the day. Stay tuned for more updates and, later, a live fact check of Donald Trump’s presser.

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