We GPs don't want people with non-Covid health problems to suffer in silence

  • 4/25/2020
  • 00:00
  • 4
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Will the current Covid-19 crisis be the deluge before the storm? Are people storing up other health problems for fear of overwhelming the NHS or catching the virus themselves? Some doctors have expressed concern that A&E departments are almost too quiet and calm. And my GP surgery is somewhat similar: we’re busy with calls, emails and video consultations but almost all of them are Covid-related. And therein lies a question: where is everything else? Normally, I see around 30 patients in a day. This will be a mix of acute infections (respiratory, throat, ear and urine), mental health problems (anxiety, depression, stress), chronic conditions (diabetes, asthma, high blood pressure, arthritis), skin rashes, lumps and bumps. There will also be people with worrying new symptoms such as weakness, dizziness or bleeding from one orifice or another. In primary care, most problems that we see will get better on their own without any input from a doctor other than an explanation and reassurance. In fact, they often get better quicker if we hold back on medical intervention – most non-Covid-19 viral infections, such as coughs and colds, fall into this category. A second group of conditions won’t usually cause immediate danger but if left untreated, will cause harm. There are lots of bits of kit that can help with self- management: a blood pressure monitor for hypertension, blood glucose monitors available from surgeries and pharmacists (or online), pulse oximeters to check oxygen levels for people with lung diseases and Tens machines for pain. Urine-testing strips are useful for identifying urine infections. If positive, your GP will be only too happy to prescribe an antibiotic without you having to take in a sample. A patient with diabetes told me that the combination of lockdown and difficulty getting food deliveries has proved an ideal opportunity for him to monitor and control his carbohydrate intake, resulting in the best blood sugar levels he’s had in years. A mum whose teenager has bad asthma said that having him captive has allowed her to check that he’s using his inhalers correctly, with a significant improvement in his coughing and wheezing. No one would wish this situation on any of us, but it has allowed these individuals and others to develop a self sufficiency that is empowering. The key is for people to report to the doctor if they don’t feel well. The third group of people that we see is the smallest in number, most urgent medically and most worryingly absent in this crisis: the middle-aged woman with chest pain that she thinks is indigestion but turns out to be a heart attack; the elderly man who lives on his own and keeps falling over, and urgently needs a pacemaker; the brief episode of slurred speech that could be a mini stroke; a heaviness in one breast that could be breast cancer; breathlessness and a cough that’s getting worse and needs a chest X-ray to check for lung cancer; a swelling in one calf after a period of immobility that could be a blood clot; the mole that has grown, changed colour and started crusting. In a typical week, I would see at least a few people in this last category. Now I am worried that in the past three weeks, non-Covid-19 problems seem to have vanished. I am less concerned that there may be a backlog of work for the NHS when we get back to normal – although that is a possibility. Self-sufficiency and resilience are fine qualities but there is no heroism in surviving the virus – or trying not to overburden NHS staff, only to succumb to other illnesses. GP surgeries and many primary care services are up and running, albeit in a modified form. Don’t simply stay away: if you have a health concern that you can’t solve, get in touch.

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