Boris Johnson promises ‘maximum caution’ in easing Covid-19 restrictions

  • 5/8/2020
  • 00:00
  • 16
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Boris Johnson told his cabinet on Thursday he would operate with “maximum caution” as he prepares to update the country on the lockdown on Sunday, amid concern in government about confused messaging. The prime minister’s official spokesman said: “Cabinet discussed where we are in the response to the coronavirus pandemic and the review which is being conducted into social distancing measures. “The prime minister said that in considering whether there could be any easement to the existing guidelines, we are not going to do anything that risks a second peak. We will advance with maximum caution in order to protect the NHS and to save lives.” Downing Street was keen to pour cold water on reports that the lockdown could be lifted from Monday, after newspaper headlines such as Lockdown Freedom Beckons and Happy Monday. Senior government figures privately expressed concern about what one referred to as “over-egged” reports about both the “tone and the pace” of a potential easing. The same source also played down one report that people could be able to sit two metres away from friends outside as soon as Monday. “It will be much more cautious than what is being reported,” they said. Following a meeting of the Welsh cabinet, a spokesman said: “It is crucially important that the people of Wales are informed clearly and accurately about what, if any, changes are made to the current stay-at-home restrictions. “Some of the reporting in today’s newspapers is confusing and risks sending mixed messages to people across the UK. The first minister of Wales will announce the outcome of the cabinet’s decision in due course.” Asked at prime minister’s questions on Wednesday about lifting restrictions, Boris Johnson told MPs he wanted to “get going with some of these measures on Monday”. Government sources later said he had not meant to signal a major change – but hinted rules limiting exercise could be relaxed from Monday, and activities such as picnics and sunbathing allowed, so long as social distancing could be observed. The London mayor, Sadiq Khan, cautioned against interpreting the reports as a signal that people could spend the long weekend soaking up the sunshine. “I want to make a direct appeal to Londoners as we start the bank holiday weekend. We’ve all made monumental efforts to follow the rules and stay at home over the last few weeks, and it is essential this continues over the coming days,” he said. “Despite the warm weather our priority first and foremost must still be the welfare of our loved ones and our key workers. Londoners have shown that they want to do everything they can to slow the spread of this virus, and we must all continue to follow the clear rules put in place to save lives.” Downing Street is still honing the message for Johnson’s broadcast on Sunday night, but government Twitter accounts began sharing a “stay safe, save lives” message – more nuanced than the stark “stay at home, save lives” of recent weeks. The lockdown is officially due to be reviewed on Thursday, six weeks after the emergency legislation was passed giving police the powers to enforce it. The first secretary of state, Dominic Raab, is expected to confirm at the daily press conference that the review has taken place, but details about what comes next are expected to be left until Sunday.

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