Coronavirus live news: Trump says he could cut China ties as global deaths pass 300,000

  • 5/15/2020
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Another case of coronavirus has been detected in Cyprus’ sovereign British base areas, it was announced on Thursday. A statement confirmed “one further member of the British Forces Cyprus community” had tested positive for Covid-19 on Wednesday. The individual was in self-isolation after displaying what were described as “only mild symptoms.” “This brings the total number of positive tests within the British bases to 12,” the announcement said. It was unclear if the person had travelled recently from the UK. Despite commercial air traffic being suspended since 21 March by Greek Cypriot authorities in the war-split Mediterranean island, the UK military is believed to have continued airlifting personnel on transport planes from Britain. The Republic’s lockdown regulations are however adhered to on the overseas territories with arrivals from the UK screened for the virus and ordered to self-isolate for two weeks. The bases – a legacy of Cyprus’ past as a former crown colony – are home to nearly 6,000 British military personnel and their dependents. In these extraordinary times, the Guardian’s editorial independence has never been more important. Because no one sets our agenda, or edits our editor, we can keep delivering quality, trustworthy, fact-checked journalism each and every day. Free from commercial or political bias, we can report fearlessly on world events and challenge those in power. Your support protects the Guardian’s independence. We believe every one of us deserves equal access to accurate news and calm explanation. No matter how unpredictable the future feels, we will remain with you, delivering high quality news so we can all make critical decisions about our lives, health and security – based on fact, not fiction. Support the Guardian from as little as $1 – and it only takes a minute. Thank you. Brazil confirmed cases pass 200,000 The number of cases in Brazil passed 200,000 on Thursday. The country now has 202,918 confirmed cases, with 13,944 added in last 24 hours, according to health ministry. The tally means it is the sixth-worst-affected country worldwide in terms of cases, according to John Hopkins data. 844 new deaths were reported in last 24 hours, bringing the total to 13,993. And in other Trump news, in case you missed it: Donald Trump goes maskless to tour medical equipment facility Donald Trump traveled to a medical equipment distribution facility in Allentown, Pennsylvania, on Thursday, to tout a plan to replenish and upgrade the vital federal stockpile. According to the pool report, “the president and his entourage were led around by Owens and Minor employees, who explained their distribution system and the products they handle. “Trump and [White House chief of staff] Mark Meadows did not wear masks. Everyone else did.” The Pennsylvania event had the trappings of a campaign rally. For his remarks, Trump approached the podium to the sound of God Bless the USA: Meanwhile a reporter for News 12 Long Island has shared this video of Trump supporters at a protest: Trump’s remarks drew ridicule from Hu Xijin, editor in chief of China’s influential Global Times tabloid, who referred to Trump’s much-criticized comments last month about how Covid-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus, might be treated: Trump says he could cut China ties US President Donald Trump signalled a further deterioration of his relationship with China over the novel coronavirus, saying he has no interest in speaking to President Xi Jinping right now and going so far as to suggest he could even cut ties with the world’s second largest economy, Reuters reports. In an interview with Fox Business Network broadcast on Thursday, Trump said he was very disappointed with China’s failure to contain the disease and that the pandemic had cast a pall over his January trade deal with Beijing, which he has previously hailed as a major achievement. “They should have never let this happen,” Trump said. “So I make a great trade deal and now I say this doesn’t feel the same to me. The ink was barely dry and the plague came over. And it doesn’t feel the same to me.” Trump’s pique extended to Xi, with whom the US president has said repeatedly he has a good relationship. “But I just – right now I don’t want to speak to him,” Trump said in the interview, which was taped on Wednesday. Trump was asked about a Republican senator’s suggestion that US visas be denied to Chinese students applying to study in fields related to national security, such as quantum computing and artificial intelligence. “There are many things we could do. We could do things. We could cut off the whole relationship,” he replied. “Now, if you did, what would happen? You’d save $500 billion,” Trump said, referring to estimated US annual imports from China, which he often refers to as lost money. Hello and welcome to today’s coverage of the global coronavirus pandemic. I’m Helen Sullivan, with you for the next few hours. You can get in touch on Twitter @helenrsullivan. US President Donald Trump has said he has no interest in speaking to President Xi Jinping right now and going so far as to suggest he could even cut ties with the world’s second largest economy. More on this shortly. Meanwhile, more than 300,000 people are confirmed to died in this crisis so far, according to Johns Hopkins University figures. The true number is likely to be higher. Global death toll passes 300,000. The global toll from Covid-19 has just passed 300,000, with nearly 4.5 million people infected.According to data collected by Johns Hopkins University, at least 301,370 people have now died as a result of the outbreak.The institution says it has counted 4,426,937 confirmed cases worldwide. It’s important to point out that the actual death toll is believed to be far higher than the tally compiled from government figures. Nearly 600,000 Australians have lost their jobs during the pandemic. Almost 600,000 Australians lost their jobs between March and April, unemployment rose to 6.2%, the underemployment rate increased by 4.9 points to 13.7% and the underutilisation rate increased by 5.9 points to 19.9%.The prime minister, Scott Morrison, said the figures were “terribly shocking, although not totally unexpected”. Doctors in Italy and France report spike in rare inflammatory syndrome linked to coronavirus. Doctors in northern Italy, one of the areas hardest hit by coronavirus, and in France have reported spikes in cases of a rare inflammatory syndrome in young children that appears similar to one reported in the US, Britain and Spain, according to a report in the Lancet.The condition shares symptoms with toxic shock and Kawasaki disease including fever, rashes, swollen glands and, in severe cases, heart inflammation. Donald Trump visits a mask distribution centre without wearing a mask himself. Donald Trump toured a mask distribution centre in the political swing state of Pennsylvania on Thursday but without wearing a mask himself.Trump, who is running for re-election in November, has resisted wearing a mask in public despite his administration’s guidance to Americans to wear them and new White House rules requiring staff to wear them at work. A vaccine for coronavirus must be available to all countries, the EU has insisted, after the British chief executive of French drugs company Sanofi said it was reserving the first shipments of its vaccine for the US. “The vaccine against Covid-19 should be a global public good and its access needs to be equitable and universal,” said the European commission spokesman, Stefan de Keersmaecker. 36 million Americans are now unemployed as another 3 million filed for benefits. The latest figures from the Department of Labor show the rate of claims is slowing but the record-breaking pace of layoffs has already pushed unemployment to levels unseen since the Great Depression of the 1930s. The European commission has suspended the delivery of 10 million face masks from China after two countries complained about the poor quality of the batches they received, the Associated Press reports. As part of its efforts to tackle the Covid-19 crisis, this month the commission started dispatching the masks to healthcare workers in its 27 member states and the UK. Officials in Bangladesh have announced the first confirmed case of coronavirus in the country’s Rohingya refugee camps. Health experts and NGOs have issued warnings that the virus could race through the camps that house almost a million people forced to flee a military offensive in Myanmar almost two years ago. Greece will open 515 organised beaches to the public this weekend, but alcohol and music will be banned, along with sports and games. Scientists advising the government also insisted that given the dictates of social distancing there can only be 40 people per 1000 sq meters. Governments, health authorities and civil society groups should urgently address mental health problems sparked by the coronavirus pandemic, the UN secretary general has said. Launching a policy briefing on mental health during the outbreak, António Guterres said that “the Covid-19 pandemic is now hitting families and communities with additional mental stress.” Ten people in Vietnam, including a 70-year-old military veteran, have offered to donate their lungs to a British man who is the country’s most seriously ill Covid-19 patient. “We are touched by their good intentions, but current regulations don’t allow us to transplant lungs donated by most living people,” a representative of Vietnam’s organ transplant authority said.

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