صور من داخل قبيلة إفريقية تبجّل الماشية وتستخدم بولها لأغراض غير اعتيادية!

  • 5/18/2020
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تكشف صور رائعة عن خفايا قبيلة إفريقية حيث يستخدم الأفراد البول لغسل وجوههم وتبييض شعرهم، وكذلك طقوسا يومية غير اعتيادية. وتصور بعض اللقطات في قبيلة Mundari، الحجم الكبير لقرون الماشية، حيث صورها تريفور كول من Londonderry، إيرلندا الشمالية، في إحدى مستعمرات الأبقار في جنوب السودان. Посмотреть эту публикацию в Instagram Mundari cattle man. The dust is used to help dry the dung which is laboriously collected and piled in the mornings. It is then dried as fuel. They also cover themselves in ash for the same reason which gives them a ghostly appearance as they walk between their animals. As the sun sets in African style the light, smoke and dust create an ethereal atmosphere which makes it appear that the Mundari and their cattle fade into a mist. An ancient mist, trapped in time, where tribal traits and traditions are perpetuated in the twenty first century. In November 2019 we are running an exploratory tour to the Mundari and Dinka cattle camps on the Nile.https://alternativevisions.co.uk/events/south-sudan-cattle-camps-20th-27th-november-2019/ Watch this space for the 2020 Cattle camp photo tour. #mundari #south_sudan #paulsandersphotography phototour #indigenous #african_portraits #igs_africa #africageo #alternativevisions #tribes #1x #humanity_shots_ #smugmug #people_infinity_ #photocrowd #worldcolours_people_ #natgeohumanity #survivalinternational #nikon #earth_portraits #theportraitpr0ject #globe_portraits #ig_respect #streets_storytelling #atlasofhumanity #photos_dailydose #spencer_travel_feature #thepanafrican #great_captures_people #NGTUK Публикация от Trevor Cole (@trevcole) 22 Окт 2019 в 5:10 PDT وقال تريفور: "إن التصوير عند الفجر والغسق مثالي، حيث أن جميع الماشية في مكانها. وكلما تفحصت، أدركت أن هناك رابطا بين القبيلة والماشية. فرك الرماد في جلودها، وتلبية احتياجاتها، واستخدام الحليب والروث والبول. إنهم يجمعون الروث المترسب بين عشية وضحاها وينشرونه على الأرض، وبعضه يستخدم لتغليف قرون الماشية بقشرة من السماد. شاهدنا الأولاد وهم يغمسون رؤوسهم في تدفق بول الماشية، بغرض الاستفادة من مطهر طبيعي وتغيير لون الشعر إلى الأحمر أو حتى الأشقر المبيض". Посмотреть эту публикацию в Instagram Mundari. The more you see, the more you realise that there is an inextricable bond between the tribe and their cattle. The way they lead them, rub ash into their skins, attend to their needs, use their milk, dung and urine. It is a symbiotic relationship where there is an understanding of the cattle which goes beyond normal animal husbandry. They take pride in their animals and the whole community of man and beast is interconnected. In November 2019 we are running an exploratory tour to the Mundari and Dinka cattle camps on the Nile.https://alternativevisions.co.uk/events/south-sudan-cattle-camps-20th-27th- In 2020 we will be doing the same! Watch this space! #mundari #south_sudan #phototour #indigenous #african_portraits #igs_africa #africageo #alternativevisions #tribes #1x #500px #humanity_shots_ #smugmug #people_infinity_ #photocrowd #worldcolours_people_ #natgeohumanity #survivalinternational #nikon #earth_portraits #theportraitpr0ject #globe_portraits #ig_respect #streets_storytelling #atlasofhumanity #photos_dailydose #spencer_travel_feature #great_captures_people #NGTUK Публикация от Trevor Cole (@trevcole) 12 Окт 2019 в 7:12 PDT Посмотреть эту публикацию в Instagram A young Mundari tribeswoman tethering an Ankober Watusi Cow. The dust and smoke intermingle to create and inimitable atmosphere. We arrived in the late afternoon when the light was soft and warm with long shadows. The tribe have all their wealth in their cattle and there are thousands of them. When young men of the tribe get married the dowry may be as much as 40 cattle. They cover themselves in the ash from their fires to protect against insects. At night they sleep with their cattle to protect them and they carry Kalashnikovs to do so. Cattle rustling is commonplace and is a cause of conflict. The Ankole Watusi cattle have the largest horns (perhaps a metre long in some cases) I have ever seen and the biggest of the cattle may be worth $500. During the day the cattle disperse from the banks of the Nile into the long grasses of the alluvial floodplain. They return at dusk instinctively. In November 2019 (Now!!) we are running an exploratory tour to the Mundari and Dinka cattle camps on the Nile.https://alternativevisions.co.uk/events/south-sudan-cattle-camps-20th-27th-november-2019/ Watch this space for early in 2021! #mundari #southsudan #phototour #indigenous #african_portraits #igs_africa #africageo #alternativevisions #tribes #1x #humanity_shots_ #smugmug #people_infinity_ #photocrowd #worldcolours_people #natgeohumanity #survivalinternational #nikon #earth_portraits #theportraitpr0ject #globe_portraits #ig_respect #streets_storytelling #photos_dailydose #spencer_travel_feature #thepanafrican #great_captures_people #NGTUK Публикация от Trevor Cole (@trevcole) 17 Ноя 2019 в 6:06 PST وفي الليل، كشف تريفور كيف ينامون مع ماشيتهم لحمايتها، حيث أن سرقة الماشية أمر شائع. Посмотреть эту публикацию в Instagram Adorning his little boy with ash. The Mundari, when covered with ash they appear as apparitions or ghosts especially when their is dust and smoke in the air. They gather the dung in the morning, dry it by spreading it out and then use it as fuel for their fires. And so this cyclical use of ash continues. The men also shower using the urine of their cattle which acts as an antiseptic and colours their hair orange! These people have a very sustainable existence and their connection with nature should be a message to us all. These ancient practices ensure harmony with the environment and have a small ecological footprint which is local and ensures cultural longevity. From 13-23 February 2021 we are running a tour to the Mundari and Dinka cattle camps on the Nile and to the Topossa tribe in Eastern Equatoria - check out this simply amazing photo-adventure https://alternativevisions.co.uk/events/south-sudan-cattle-camps-13-23-february-2021/ #phototour #SouthSudan #Mundari #indigenous #tribe #african_portraits #igs_africa #africageo #alternativevisions #tribes #1x #humanity_shots_ #smugmug #people_infinity_ #photocrowd #worldcolours_people #natgeohumanity #survivalinternational #nikon #earth_portraits #theportraitpr0ject #ourfotoworld #ig_respect #streets_storytelling #suretialem #spencer_travel_feature #thepanafrican #great_captures_people #NGTUK Публикация от Trevor Cole (@trevcole) 8 Май 2020 в 4:12 PDT Посмотреть эту публикацию в Instagram The Mundari tribe have all their wealth in their cattle and there are thousands of them. When young men of the tribe get married the dowry may be as much as 40 cattle. They cover themselves and their cattle in the ash from their fires to protect against insects. At night they sleep with their cattle to protect them and they carry Kalashnikovs to do so. Cattle rustling is commonplace and is a cause of conflict. The Ankoli Watusi cattle have the largest horns (perhaps a metre long in some cases) I have ever seen and the biggest of the cattle may be worth $500. During the day the cattle disperse from the banks of the Nile into the long grasses of the alluvial floodplain. They return at dusk instinctively. #mundari #south_sudan #phototour #indigenous #african_portraits #igs_africa #africageo #alternativevisions #tribes #1x #humanity_shots_ #smugmug #people_infinity_ #photocrowd #worldcolours_people_ #natgeohumanity #survivalinternational #remotexpeditions #nikon #earth_portraits #theportraitpr0ject #globe_portraits #ig_respect #streets_storytelling #suretialem #photos_dailydose #spencer_travel_feature #thepanafrican Публикация от Trevor Cole (@trevcole) 15 Фев 2019 в 5:07 PST وقال: "إن ماشية Ankole Watusi لها أكبر الأبواق التي رأيتها على الإطلاق، وقد تكون قيمة أكبر أفراد الماشية، 500 دولار. وخلال النهار، تتفرق الماشية من ضفاف النيل في الأعشاب الطويلة لسهل الفيضان الغريني. وتعود عند الغسق بشكل غريزي". ويفخر أفراد القبيلة بحيواناتهم، حيث توصف العلاقة بأنها تكافلية. وتعد قبيلة Mundari مجموعة عرقية صغيرة في جنوب السودان وإحدى مجموعات السكان الأصليين النيلية. ويتكون المجتمع من رعاة الماشية والمزارعين وهم جزء من شعب كارو، والذي يشمل أيضا باري وبوجولو وكاكوا وكوكو ونيانغوارا. وتُعرف لغتهم الأم بأنها Kutuk na Mundari. ومثل العديد من القبائل النيلية الأخرى، فإن Mundari  موجهة للغاية إلى الاعتناء بالماشية. وأضاف تريفور: "تضمن هذه الممارسات القديمة الانسجام مع البيئة ولها بصمة إيكولوجية صغيرة محلية وتضمن طول العمر الثقافي. هؤلاء الناس لهم وجود مستدام للغاية، ويجب أن تكون علاقتهم بالطبيعة رسالة لنا جميعا". المصدر: ذي صنتابعوا RT على

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