Blind date: 'My sister delivered pizza like a character from Downton Abbey'

  • 5/24/2020
  • 00:00
  • 4
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What were you hoping for? At best, the plot of a new Netflix original romcom. At worst, a money-can’t-buy “What did you do during lockdown?” story. First impressions? Pixelated. I couldn’t make out basic features for a good 45 minutes. What did you talk about? Music, fitness, travelling, family and friends. Any awkward moments? When he told me his ex was pushing 40 and he still didn’t know I was 24. Good table manners? He ordered some sort of pumpkin bowl of which he had a very well-mannered two bites. I finished a prosciutto and mascarpone pizza. How long did you stay on the call? A respectable two and a bit hours. Best thing about James? He was up for a laugh, asked lots of questions and took the slightly odd situation we’d both found ourselves in for what it was. Did you introduce him to your housemates? No, but there was a near miss with my sister who surreptitiously delivered the pizza to my door as if she’d come from downstairs at Downton Abbey. Describe James in three words Interested, curious and kind. What do you think he made of you? Probably something along the lines of: a fresh-out-the-womb, 24-year-old, rosé-drinking, a cappella-singing lush. Any connection issues? Between the blur and three-second delay I succumbed to setting up a satellite connection Zoom call to carry on our evening. And... did you swap numbers? Mutual follows on Insta. How did the call end? His housemate kicked him out of the kitchen because she was rightly sick and tired of this nonsense. If you could change one thing about the evening, what would it be? The “Latvia giving 12 points to Sweden”-esque quality of the call. Marks out of 10? The experience 10, one to tell the grandkids. As a date? 6. Would you meet again in person? Probably not, but we’ll review every three weeks as per government advice. James on Ben What were you hoping for? Someone in their 30s. First impressions? He isn’t at all my type, but you have a virtual blind date coordinated through the Guardian during lockdown only once (hopefully), so let’s get involved. What did you talk about? Work, and our shared admiration for musicals – nice to meet someone who also appreciates Disney’s The Prince Of Egypt. Any awkward moments? The moment Ben asked me how long I’d been single. Good table manners? Ben is such a gentleman, he held off eating until my food arrived. How long did you stay on the call? Two hours, give or take. Best thing about Ben? The value he put on his relationships with his family and friends. On a superficial level, it’s his height. Did you introduce him to your housemates? My flatmate would probably create a video and make me TikTok famous with a hashtag #QuarantineToyBoys. I know better. Describe Ben in three words Bright, engaging, effervescent. What do you think he made of you? I’d like to think he viewed me as kind. Any connection issues? Yes. Ben spent the first 1.5 hours seeing a big blond blur. It was only when we moved to another video platform he saw what I looked like. And... did you swap numbers? We followed each other on Instagram. How did the call end? With my flatmate WhatsApping me telling me she needed the living space back so she could cook. If you could change one thing about the evening, what would it be? I’d have been on a date with someone in their 30s. Marks out of 10? For the right match, Ben is a solid 8. For my needs, it’s a 6. Would you meet again in person? I can’t see a time our worlds would ever collide, no. • Fancy a blind date? Email

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