Women seeking asylum left 'without basic support' during UK lockdown

  • 7/21/2020
  • 00:00
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Women seeking asylum in the UK have described a significant increase in unsafe and unsanitary living conditions during the Covid-19 crisis, according to a report from a coalition of charities. The report, published by Sisters Not Strangers, which collated evidence from nine charities supporting refugee and asylum-seeking women, paints a picture in which those living in the most precarious of circumstances have been made even more vulnerable during lockdown. The findings of the report include: More than a fifth of 115 women surveyed were homeless during the coronavirus pandemic. Three-quarters of 115 women surveyed were not able to get enough food during the pandemic. 35% of 112 women surveyed said they had a hearing on their asylum claim delayed or cancelled during the pandemic. 32% of 113 women surveyed struggled to access water, soap and cleaning products during the pandemic. 34% of 111 women surveyed said they had a serious health condition that could increase their risk of suffering a severe reaction to Covid-19. Edna*, a 30-year-old Albanian national, is an undocumented migrant, having had her asylum application refused. She is living with no statutory support, and is relying on charities such as Refugee Women Connect for food and shelter. “It’s not easy, relying on other people for food and shelter and it has caused me a lot of mental health issues” she said. “I have thoughts about harming myself. It’s not been easy at all for me during the pandemic – not being free, not being able to do what I want, everything comes with a restriction.” Lo Lo*, 45, who was trafficked to the UK from South Africa, applied for asylum in 2019 but is still awaiting an initial decision from the Home Office. She became homeless at the beginning of the lockdown, after months of submitting complaints about her accommodation. This was due to what she describes as unsanitary conditions which could have worsened her pre-existing health concerns. “The accommodation was filthy and overcrowded. There were cockroaches and rats everywhere and we didn’t have any hot water. “I have serious health problems that mean it would be particularly dangerous for me to catch the virus. But it was impossible to self-isolate in that place.” she said. The report took evidence from charities across the UK, including Women Asylum Seekers Together Manchester, Women for Refugee Women in London, and Women with Hope in Birmingham. Natasha Walter, the director of Women for Refugee Women, welcomed the report. “Previous research has established that almost all women who seek asylum in the UK are survivors of gender-based violence. Even before this crisis, we have seen how they are forced into poverty and struggle to find safety” she said. “During the pandemic they have too often been left without basic support including food and shelter. It is now vital that we listen to these women and ensure that we build a fairer and more caring society.” Loraine Mponela, the chair of Coventry Asylum and Refugee Action Group, said: “This research is so important because when we speak as individuals it can sound as if we are trying to dramatise the situation. 
It’s not drama, it’s real life. “These are the problems that we are going through on a day-to-day basis as asylum-seeking women. We need to build solidarity to carry us through this crisis and also enable us to work together after the pandemic to create a more equal and safer society for women.” In 2019, the UK received just under 35,000 asylum applications, with the highest number of nationalities claiming asylum being citizens of Iran, Iraq and Albania. Asylum seekers in the UK are not allowed to work, and receive £37.75 a week in government allowance. A Home Office spokesperson told the Guardian: “The Home Office takes the wellbeing of asylum seekers very seriously and anyone with an open claim can apply for accommodation, including all meals, and/or financial support. “We have taken decisive action to look after asylum seekers’ wellbeing during the pandemic. Those who would have ordinarily had their support stopped because their claim has been rejected have continued receiving support and accommodation during this difficult time.”

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