Keir Starmer tells Boris Johnson: your 'chaos' puts schools return at risk

  • 8/22/2020
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Plans to get all children back to school in early September are now at “serious risk” because of government incompetence and the chaos caused by the exams fiasco, the Labour leader Keir Starmer has warned. In one of his strongest interventions to date, which is bound to draw a furious response from Downing Street, Starmer told the Observer that two crucial weeks, which should have been spent preparing for schools to reopen, have been wasted dealing with a self-inflicted “mess” that has destroyed public confidence in government. “I want to see children back at school next month, and I expect the prime minister to deliver on that commitment. However, the commitment is now at serious risk after a week of chaos, confusion and incompetence from the government,” the Labour leader said. “Ministers should have spent the summer implementing a national plan to get all children back to school. Instead, the last two weeks have been wasted clearing up a mess of the government’s own making over exam results.” Starmer added that the seriousness of ministerial failings, which led to a forced U-turn last week over A-level and GCSE grades by the education secretary, Gavin Williamson, meant a generation of children risked missing out on their education. “Restoring public confidence and getting a grip on the Department for Education must be Downing Street’s number-one priority this week. Failure to do so will leave the government’s promise of ‘levelling up’ in tatters,” he said. The comments, which will be attacked by the Tories as deeply unhelpful on the biggest issue facing the country over the next fortnight, come as teachers, councillors and teaching unions say government has failed to offer sufficient clarity over plans for reopening. They also coincide with an admission on Sunday by the country’s chief medical officers, led by Sir Chris Whitty, that reopening schools could push up the R number above the critical level of 1, which would require urgent local lockdown measures to bring the virus under control. In a joint statement last night, chief and deputy chief medical officers from across the UK said that while there were “no risk-free options”, further time out of the classroom would increase inequalities and reduce the life chances of children, and could exacerbate physical and mental health issues. They said they were confident there was an “exceptionally small risk of children of primary or secondary school age dying from Covid-19”. However, they added that it was “possible that opening schools will provide enough upward pressure on R that it goes above 1 having previously been below it, at least in some local areas”. They added: “This will require local action and could mean societal choices that weigh up the implications of imposing limitations on different parts of the community and the economy.” In a separate interview, Whitty, England’s chief medical officer, said the chances of children dying from Covid-19 were “incredibly small”. But he also warned that Britain faced a “real problem” with coronavirus this winter, and that it would remain a “serious challenge” for at least the next nine months. Headteachers and the teaching unions say ministers have failed to engage with schools on what would happen in the event of an outbreak in schools. “At the moment, there’s no guidance beyond: speak to your local public health officials,” said Geoff Barton, leader of the Association of School and College Leaders. Barton wants the government to tell schools urgently what their procedures should be if a child or staff member contracts the virus, or if there is a local lockdown. “There needs to be an absolute urgency now,” he said “both so we can reassure parents that this has been thought through and so that our headteachers can put those procedures in place and do some scenario-planning next week, before we start to open. Once again, time is running out.” Unions are also concerned about what would happen if home learning had to resume. “The need for a plan B if things change is almost viewed as heresy at the moment,” said Paul Whiteman, general secretary of the National Association of Headteachers. Meanwhile, the government’s own social mobility commission has warned that there are likely to be higher rates of absence than usual in September and that disadvantaged children will be more likely to be among those who don’t turn up. Sammy Wright, the lead for schools on the commission and a deputy headteacher, said: “Even though we will be back, and it is officially compulsory to come into school, we’re going to struggle to get the disadvantaged in.” “The patterns of absence among disadvantaged children are far higher anyway, and I think that’s going to be exacerbated hugely in September.” The Observer has obtained exclusive details of a survey undertaken by the Institute for Fiscal Studies at the end of last term, in which parents who had not then been offered the opportunity to send their child back to school were asked whether they would be willing to do so. Four out of 10 said no, the survey found, but wealthier parents were far more likely to say yes. Overall, 62% of better-off parents said they would be willing to send their child back if they were given the choice, compared with just 53% of the poorest parents. Similarly, the survey taken in July found 80% of the richest third of parents who had the opportunity to send their child to school did so, compared with only 64% of the poorest third of parents. Christine Farquharson, IFS economist and co-author of the report, said parental attitudes might have changed since the survey, which was funded by the Nuffield Foundation, took place in July. “But given the government’s stated aim of a universal return in September, and the huge benefits that a return could have for the many pupils who have not had a good home learning experience, it is important that both the government and educators offer parents information and reassurance about how the return to school can be managed safely.” It has also emerged that more than a third of older teachers said they did not feel safe returning next month. A survey of 7,000 teachers by the Teacher Tapp app found that 35% of those over 50 said they did not feel safe returning. Overall, 26% of teachers said they did not feel safe. Alison Peacock, chief executive of Chartered College of Teaching, the official professional body for teachers, said headteachers had to listen to the concerns, adding: “If colleagues feel safer wearing face coverings, then there would be an understanding around that. “There is a particular issue around BAME members of society. Clearly, the statistics from the ONS are showing us that the impact is much greater on that community. We need to be making sure that their needs are understood by schools.” Many teachers remain unclear about what happens should their school be hit by an outbreak. One teacher said: “Many of the issues facing schools don’t seem to have a realistically achievable solution, [given] the size of classrooms, number of children needing to go back, short amount of time to prepare, lack of resources, and the feeling of a lack of care from the government for teachers.” A Department for Education spokesperson said getting children back into classrooms was a national priority. “Our £1 billion Covid catch-up programme will help tackle the impact of lost teaching time on every pupil with extra support from a national tutoring programme for those who need it most,” she said.

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