Delhi police accused of 'grave abuses' in Delhi riots

  • 8/28/2020
  • 00:00
  • 3
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NEW DELHI — Delhi police have been accused of grave human rights violations" during communal riots in the Indian capital earlier this year in which more than 50 people, most of them Muslims, were killed. In a detailed report prepared after a field investigation documenting accounts of eyewitnesses and videos, Amnesty International, a global human rights organization, also accused the police personnel of being "active participants" in the violence. The investigation corroborates the BBC"s reporting on incidents of police brutality and complicity during the riots in February. The police have, however, denied any wrongdoing. "These violations include police officers indulging in violence with the rioters; torturing in custody; using excessive force on protesters; dismantling sites of peaceful protests and; being mute bystanders as rioters wreaked havoc," Amnesty said. The group said it spoke to 50 riots survivors, eyewitnesses, lawyers, doctors, human rights activists, and retired police officers. It also analyzed several user-generated videos. One such video showed officers "kicking and hitting a group of five wounded men... poking them with rifles and asking them to sing the Indian National Anthem," Amnesty said. Six months on, there has been no investigation into the role of the police in the unrest, it added. "This ongoing state-sponsored impunity sends the message that the law enforcement officials can commit grave human rights violations and evade accountability," said Amnesty executive director Avinash Kumar. While the Delhi police didn"t initially respond to the BBC"s request for a reply, after the report aired, they told BBC Hindi they would look into what is seen in these videos. — Agencies

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