South African far left targets pharmacies in racism row over advert

  • 9/7/2020
  • 00:00
  • 3
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Protesters from a far-left party damaged pharmacies in South Africa on Monday and forced others to close during demonstrations over what they said was a racist advertisement. The advert showed an image of African black hair which it described as “dry and damaged”, while an example of white hair was referred to as “fine and flat”. It was posted on the website of the Clicks chain of pharmacies on Friday, and removed the same day after uproar on social media. The firm apologised. On Monday, protesters led by the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) demanded Clicks stores across South Africa be shut for at least a week. Some, wearing the party’s trademark red hard hats and overalls, gathered outside Clicks stores and sang songs associated with the decades-long struggle to overthrow the apartheid regime in South Africa. “White people insult us and then they apologise, they think that’s the end. We are no longer going to accept any apology which is not accompanied by justice,” the EFF leader, Julius Malema, told supporters outside a closed Clicks store in Polokwane in the province of Limpopo. “Who is punished for projecting black people as ugly people?” Racial prejudice remains a deep problem in South Africa more than 25 years after the collapse of apartheid. Wealth is still disproportionately distributed, and multiple government initiatives have failed to provide equal opportunities to all communities. The EFF was founded in 2013 and describes itself as a “radical and militant economic emancipation movement”. The party has challenged the ruling African National Congress, which lost the support of many voters after a series of high-profile corruption scandals and a failure to dramatically improve the lives of millions living in poverty. Video footage on Twitter showed EFF protesters toppling shelves and destroying products in one store. Another appeared to have suffered fire damage. Clicks, which runs hundreds of stores across South Africa, said there were protests at 37 in total and seven were damaged. The EFF said its protests had been peaceful and denied any connection with the more violent demonstrations. However, the actions prompted a sharp rebuke from Tito Mboweni, the minister of finance. “We fought for freedom and democratic rights. Amongst others freedom of expression, including protest. But not to infringe on the rights of others or the destruction of public and private property. These Bakuninists must understand this!” Mboweni tweeted, comparing the EFF to followers of the 19th-century anarchist revolutionary Mikhail Bakunin. The retailer said: “Clicks strongly condemns violence of any kind or intimidation of staff and its customers. Clicks will take legal action against perpetrators and those seeking to incite violence or harm our people and our stores.” The EFF increased its vote share at elections last year but remains a small party. Spectacular actions heavily covered by local media are a key part of its strategy. South Africa’s economy was flagging badly before the Covid-19 pandemic, but is now facing even greater challenges with soaring unemployment, huge debts and a weak currency.

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