TABLE-Japanese businesses remain pessimistic in November - Reuters Tankan

  • 11/9/2020
  • 00:00
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(Click on JP/TAN1 for main story) TOKYO, Nov 9 (Reuters) - Japanese manufacturers" business sentiment was less pessimistic in November, though the broad results of the Reuters Tankan survey suggested the economy is still struggling to shake off the drag from the COVID-19 crisis. The Reuters Tankan index readings are derived by subtracting the percentage of respondents who say conditions are poor from those who say they are good. A negative reading means that pessimists outnumber optimists. Following is a table of indexes for key sectors and a comparison with the Bank of Japan"s quarterly tankan survey: 2021 2020 FEB (f"cast) NOV OCT SEP AUG JUL JUN =============================================================== MANUFACTURERS (-8) -13 -26 -29 -33 -44 -46 --------------------------------------------------------------- (Materials) (-17) -19 -40 -40 -36 -49 -42 - Textiles/paper (-33) -33 -64 -45 -42 -54 -38 - Chemicals (0) -5 -19 -25 -34 -50 -33 - Oil refinery/ceramics (0) 0 -14 -25 -14 -12 -22 - Steel/nonferrous metals (-44) -45 -78 -73 -57 -75 -88 (Manufactured products) (-2) -10 -19 -23 -35 -41 -48 - Food (-9) -9 0 0 -10 -20 -27 - Metal products/machinery (+4) -4 -13 -22 -32 -45 -36 - Electric machinery (0) -5 -14 -9 -22 -26 -35 - Autos/transport equipment(+17) -17 -23 -36 -64 -67 -80 - Precision machinery/others(-29) -22 -50 -47 -36 -50 -71 =============================================================== NON-MANUFACTURERS (-13) -13 -16 -18 -23 -26 -32 --------------------------------------------------------------- - Real estate/construction (0) -8 -8 -12 -13 -19 -12 - Retail/wholesale (-21) -17 -25 -22 -19 -15 -37 - Wholesalers (-33) -33 -40 -47 -50 -35 -60 - Retailers (-7) 0 -6 +6 +17 +5 -11 - Information/communications(+27) +27 +42 +38 +45 +36 +23 - Transport/utility (-16) -11 -26 -21 -44 -47 -50 - Other services (-29) -34 -36 -52 -54 -67 -60 =============================================================== *** COMPARISON WITH BANK OF JAPAN TANKAN *** =============================================================== MANUFACTURERS NON-MANUFACTURERS RTRS BOJ RTRS BOJ --------------------------------------------------------------- FEB 2021 (forecast) -8 - -13 - JAN - - - - DEC 2020 - (-17) - (-11) NOV -13 - -13 - OCT -26 - -16 - SEP -29 -27 -18 -12 AUG -33 - -23 - JULY -44 - -26 - JUNE -46 -34 -32 -17 MAY -44 - -36 - APRIL -30 - -23 - MARCH -20 -8 -10 +8 FEB -5 - +15 - JAN -6 - +14 - DEC 2019 -6 0 +14 +20 NOV -9 - +12 - OCT -5 - +25 - SEP -7 +5 +19 +21 AUG -4 - +13 - JULY +3 - +25 - JUNE +6 +7 +22 +23 MAY +12 - +27 - APRIL +8 - +24 - MARCH +10 +12 +22 +21 FEB +13 - +22 - JAN +18 - +31 - DEC 2018 +23 +19 +31 +24 NOV +26 - +30 - OCT +28 - +24 - SEPT +26 +19 +33 +22 AUG +30 - +25 - JULY +25 - +34 - JUNE +26 +21 +35 +24 MAY +22 - +39 - APRIL +21 - +36 - MARCH +28 +24 +35 +23 FEB +29 - +33 - JAN +35 - +33 - ---------------------------------------------------------------- (Reporting by Daniel Leussink; Editing by Kim Coghill)

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