Dec 7 (Reuters) - The following table shows rates for Asian currencies against the dollar at 0202 GMT. CURRENCIES VS U.S. DOLLAR Currency Latest bid Previous day Pct Move Japan yen 104.030 104.14 +0.11 Sing dlr 1.334 1.3352 +0.09 Taiwan dlr 28.280 28.521 +0.85 Korean won 1083.100 1082.1 -0.09 Peso 48.045 48.1 +0.11 Rupiah 14090.000 14085 -0.04 Rupee 73.798 73.7975 0.00 Ringgit 4.072 4.058 -0.34 Yuan 6.538 6.53 -0.12 Change so far in 2020 Currency Latest bid End 2019 Pct Move Japan yen 104.030 108.61 +4.40 Sing dlr 1.334 1.3444 +0.78 Taiwan dlr 28.280 30.106 +6.46 Korean won 1083.100 1156.40 +6.77 Peso 48.045 50.65 +5.42 Rupiah 14090.000 13880 -1.49 Rupee 73.798 71.38 -3.28 Ringgit 4.072 4.0890 +0.42 Yuan 6.538 6.9632 +6.51 (Reporting by Anushka Trivedi in Bengaluru; editing by Richard Pullin)
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