Coronavirus live news: Germany extends partial lockdown as UK suffers record daily Covid deaths

  • 1/20/2021
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More now on the situation in Mexico, via AP: The army has been given responsibility for transporting and guarding vaccines in Mexico, but a private security firm was apparently in charge inside the hospital. Before Tuesday, Mexico had received only about 750,000 doses of the Pfizer vaccine, and several people have been sanctioned for cutting lines to get doses. Mexico’s total amount so far is enough to vaccinate about half of the country’s 750,000 front-line medical personnel, all of whom will need two doses. Also Tuesday, authorities launched a campaign urging people to return rented oxygen tanks they no longer need, saying enormous demand amid the pandemic has created a shortage of the cylinders. The consumer affairs agency launched an online campaign under the slogan “Return Your Tank, For The Love of Life.” With hospitals in Mexico City and other states overwhelmed by a wave of Covid-19 cases, many families have turned to treating their relatives at home with supplementary oxygen, creating spot shortages of tanks and oxygen for refills. But once patients recover, the agency said, many people simply keep the cannisters just in case someone else falls ill. “By doing this they are depriving other patients of something they need at a given moment, and cannot get,” the agency said. The shortages of oxygen, like those of vaccines, has also led to thefts. On Tuesday, police in the town of Tultepec, just north of Mexico City, chased down a small freight truck carrying dozens of oxygen tanks, after the truck was reported stolen. Two suspects were detained at the scene. Van Morrison will challenge the Northern Irish government in court over its “blanket ban” on live music in licensed venues arising from coronavirus restrictions, his lawyer said on Tuesday. AFP: Solicitor Joe Rice said the Northern Irish singer-songwriter, who has released several protest songs against Covid-19 rules in recent months, will ask the high court in Belfast to review the policy. “We will be seeking leave for judicial review to challenge the blanket ban on live music in licensed premises in Northern Ireland,” Rice said. “We’re not aware of any credible scientific or medical evidence to justify this particular blanket ban … and we’re going to challenge this in the high court.” The UK, the country worst-hit in Europe by the virus, is struggling with its third and deadliest wave, blamed on a new strain believed to be highly infectious. Devolved governments in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, which have responsibility for health policy, have all imposed strict lockdown measures at various stages of the health crisis. The Northern Irish executive in Belfast has introduced regulations that prohibit live music in indoor licensed venues in Northern Ireland: Charles Anderson Covid-19 is unlikely to ever die out, even with vaccination efforts, but it could become more transmissible and less deadly, New Zealand’s director general of health has warned. “If you think about influenza, which was first recorded in 1172 I think, in Europe … these viruses don’t tend to die out … They change over time and in fact what we are seeing with these new variants with the Covid-19 virus is that they tend become more transmissible and less deadly over time,” Dr Ashley Bloomfield told the AM Show on Wednesday. However, Bloomfield said that vaccines would help humans develop immunity, adding to the natural immunity that people who have been infected will also develop. He also warned if some of the new variants of Covid-19 escape managed isolation and quarantine, the impact could be greater than it was last year. These mutations have been detected in New Zealand’s managed isolation facilities: If you fancy a break from the bad news, why not spend a few minutes thinking about sphinx moths (also known as hawk moths): Mexico suffers record deaths Mexico reported its highest daily death toll since the coronavirus pandemic began, with 1,584 deaths confirmed Tuesday. There was also a near-record one-day rise in new virus cases of 18,894, AP reports. Mexico has seen almost 1.67 million confirmed coronavirus infections and almost 143,000 test-confirmed deaths related to Covid-19. With the country’s extremely low testing rate, official estimates suggest the real death toll is closer to 195,000. The country’s Defense Department, meanwhile, said four doses of coronavirus vaccine were stolen at a public hospital in Cuernavaca, south of Mexico City, probably by a hospital employee or with the aid of an employee. “This theft was able to be carried out through the dishonesty and greed of a member of the hospital’s vaccination staff,” the department said in a statement. Here is our video from the lighting ceremony in Washington. ‘Between sundown and dusk, let us shine the lights in the darkness along the sacred pool of reflection, remember all whom we lost,’ Biden said. The memorial took place at the Reflecting Pool at the Lincoln Memorial, with 400 lights placed around the pool to commemorate the 400,000 American victims of the pandemic. The memorial also included 400 bell tolls at the National Cathedral and churches across the country China reports 103 new cases Mainland China reported 103 new Covid-19 cases on Jan. 19, down from 118 a day earlier, the national health authority said on Wednesday. Reuters: The National Health Commission, in a statement, said 88 of the new cases were local infections. The number of new asymptomatic cases, which China does not classify as confirmed cases, fell to 58 from 91 cases a day earlier. The total number of confirmed Covid-19 cases in mainland China now stands at 88,557, while the death toll remained unchanged at 4,635. The figures exclude cases reported in Hong Kong and Macau, which are Chinese territories but independently report their data. The commission also excludes cases reported in Taiwan, the self-ruled island that China claims as its own. Another way the US is mourning the more than 400,000 people who have died during the pandemic: Here is a performance from the memorial: Joe Biden holds memorial for 400,000 Americans who have died of Covid-19 Joe Biden memorialized the more than 400,000 Americans who have died from Covid-19 during a vigil in Washington DC late Tuesday afternoon, as many Americans took to social media in collective mourning. The grim milestone was passed earlier on Tuesday as the latest figures from Johns Hopkins university show that about 401,128 people have now been killed by the virus in the US amid more than 24m cases – both numbers being by far the highest in the world. “To heal, we must remember,” Biden said at the memorial. “It’s hard sometimes to remember, but that’s how we heal. It’s important to do that as a nation.” The memorial was hosted by Biden’s inaugural committee, which described the event as “a chance to reflect and honor those no longer with us. The committee had called for a “national moment of unity”, asking Americans to light candles in their windows. Organizers also asked for participants to ring bells for a “national moment of remembrance”. Organizers also illumined 400 lights along the Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool, to remember those who died: Parliament’s spending watchdog has called on the government to explain and fix issues with the tax system that have denied whole groups of freelancers and self-employed workers financial support during the coronavirus pandemic. The powerful cross-party public accounts committee (PAC) said some of the workforce had “not had a penny” from the government’s multibillion-pound support schemes despite repeat lockdowns blocking many from work, while some large companies had received taxpayer support and paid dividends to shareholders and high salaries to executives: Speaking to a friend when infected with the coronavirus could be as dangerous as coughing near them thanks to lingering particles, research has suggested. Covid can be spread through a number of routes, including virus-containing droplets emitted when an infected person breaths, speaks or coughs – a factor experts said could help to explain why Covid seems to spread more easily in indoor settings. While large droplets fall to the ground over short distances, tiny droplets known as aerosols can carry the virus over distances greater than two metres, and linger. Now experts have developed models to explore the risk posed by large droplets and aerosols, and explore ways to mitigate it. Their results suggest it takes just a couple of seconds for expelled particles to travel beyond two metres: Germany extends partial lockdown Chancellor Angela Merkel said Tuesday that Germany is extending its pandemic restrictions, including the closure of schools and stores, until mid-February amid concerns that new mutations of the coronavirus could trigger a fresh surge in cases. AP: Germany’s infection rate has stabilised in recent days, indicating that existing restrictions may have been effective in bringing down the numbers. On Tuesday, the country’s disease control center reported 11,369 newly confirmed infections and 989 deaths, for an overall death toll of 47,622. “All our efforts to contain the spread of the virus face a serious threat,” Merkel told reporters in Berlin, noting that experts have linked surging infections in Britain and Ireland to the appearance of a more contagious virus variant there. “Now is the time to guard against the danger posed by this mutated virus,” she said. While individual instances of new variants have been found in Germany, scientists have said it isn’t dominant yet, she added. “There’s still time, so to speak, to contain the risk,” said Merkel. In addition to extending the closure of restaurants, most stores and schools until Feb. 14, Merkel and the governors of Germany’s 16 states agreed to require people to wear the more effective FFP2 or KN95 masks on public transport and stores. Employers will also be ordered to let staff work from home, wherever possible, to avoid office-driven infections. Merkel said the goal remains to have fewer than 50 new coronavirus cases a week per 100,000 inhabitants. Germany’s nationwide average is currently 131. The governor of the eastern state of Saxony, which until recently had the highest rates of infection in the country, said it was important to drive the number of new cases down further. UK suffers record daily Covid deaths The UK has reported the highest number of daily deaths since the pandemic started, as new data showed one in eight people are likely to have had the virus in England, PA Media reports. Public Health England said a further 1,610 people have died within 28 days of testing positive for Covid-19 - the highest number of UK deaths reported on a single day since the outbreak began. The new record brings the UK total for those who have died after contracting coronavirus to 91,470. However, the true number of those who have lost their lives to the virus has already reached the 108,000 mark, once cases where Covid-19 has been mentioned on the death certificate is taken into account. Summary Hello and welcome to today’s live coverage of the coronavirus pandemic with me, Helen Sullivan. As always, you can find me on Twitter @helenrsullivan. Germany is extending its national lockdown until 14 February, with new rules making it mandatory to wear medical masks in shops and on public transport. Meanwhile the UK has reported the highest number of daily deaths since the pandemic started, as new data showed one in eight people are likely to have had the virus in England. Public Health England said a further 1,610 people have died within 28 days of testing positive for Covid-19 - the highest number of UK deaths reported on a single day since the outbreak began. Here are the other key recent developments in the pandemic so far: The eastern Spanish region of Valencia is to shut down all bars and restaurants “for a limited time” in a bid to slow the third wave of the coronavirus. The EU’s member states will agree by the end of the month on the form of a common vaccination certificate but there are no plans to give travel rights to holders of such documents, the European commission has said. However, Emirates and Etihad, two of the middle east’s biggest airlines, said they would be among the first companies to test an application that allows pre-travel verification of coronavirus tests and vaccinations. The United Arab Emirates carriers have partnered with the International Air Transport Association (IATA) to be among “the first airlines” worldwide to trial the IATA Travel Pass, both airlines said in separate statements. The embattled Dutch government has said it needs to strengthen lockdown measures “as soon as possible” to rein in the spread of the coronavirus amid fears about more transmissible variants. Health minister Hugo de Jonge said in a letter to parliament that the government would announce extra measures tomorrow afternoon. Denmark has announced it would include homeless people among those given priority for Covid-19 vaccines. According to social services, Denmark has about 6,500 homeless people, and the decision follows calls from charities and officials who have pointed to an increased risk of transmission among the homeless. It also announced it would extend lockdown measures. The Amazonian city of Manaus in Brazil has begun administering Covid vaccines as the rainforest’s biggest city’s health system struggles desperately amid an increase in infections and dwindling oxygen supplies. Thai prime minister Prayuth Chan-ocha warned that his government would prosecute anyone who shares false information about coronavirus vaccines in social or mass media. It came after the government was accused of acting too slowly to inoculate the country’s population and criticised the country’s coronavirus vaccine strategy as being too reliant on a company owned by the Thai king. The Covid pandemic has exposed how underfunded and powerless the World Health Organization is to carry out the tasks the world expects of it, an independent expert panel has said.

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