Sudan PM Abdallah Hamdouk resigns amid political deadlock

  • 1/3/2022
  • 00:00
  • 3
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KHARTOUM — Abdallah Hamdouk has resigned on Sunday from his position as Sudan"s Prime Minister amid political deadlock. Hamdouk said in a televised speech that he decided to resign from the position of Prime Minister in Sudan, after he met during the past few days with all the components in the country. During his resignation statement, Hamdouk stated that "I decided to submit my resignation and return the trust to the Sudanese people." The Sudanese Transitional Government period has faced a massive challenges that led to the distortion of the national economy, corruption and debts that exceeded sixty billion dollars. In addition, Sudan crisis challenges have resulted in the deterioration of the civil service, education and health. Hamdouk stressed in his speech that despite the obstacles that obstructed the implementation of the Juba Peace Agreement, which was signed by The Sudanese Transitional Government in an historic peace deal with leaders of the Sudan Revolutionary Front in October 2020, it has contributed to reviving hope for millions of refugees and the poor in displacement camps, where they sleep on the ground and suffer under all Conditions and climate changes. Hamdouk confirmed that the Juba Agreement helped to remove Sudan from the list of state sponsors of terrorism, as well as many structural treatments have been introduced in the economy sectors, as Sudan has begun receiving debt relief under the enhanced Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Initiative. While It was hoping that 90% of Sudan"s debts, which exceeded $60 billion, would be forgiven when it reached the completion point. "The major crisis today in Sudan is primarily a political crisis, while it will gradually revolving to include all aspects of economic and social life, and is on its way to becoming a comprehensive crisis" he said Hamdouk stressed that he tried to keep Sudan out of the danger of sliding into disasters, noting that dialogue is the solution towards consensus to complete the civil democratic transition. Hamdouk called on creating opportunities for cohesion in order to preserve the unity of Sudan, adding that the Sudanese people have achieved miracles throughout their history when they united their goal, which helped to fulfill all these revolutions with their own collective will.

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