Suella Braverman accused of politically driven meddling over Colston Four

  • 1/7/2022
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Senior lawyers have accused the attorney general for England and Wales of politically-driven meddling after she announced that she could refer the acquittal of the Colston Four to the court of appeal. Suella Braverman said she was contemplating the highly unusual move after an outcry from Conservative MPs following the jury’s verdict on four Black Lives Matter protesters who toppled a statue of slave trader Edward Colston in Bristol. A former director of public prosecutions and senior criminal lawyers were among those who warned that Braverman appeared to be acting out of political motivation. When someone has been acquitted of a crime, the attorney general has the power to seek the opinion of the court of appeal on a point of law, under section 36 of the Criminal Justice Act (CJA) 1972. Braverman did not specify the point of law she was concerned about. Four protesters were cleared of criminal damage after admitting that they helped topple the statue of Colston – a member of the Royal African Company, which transported about 80,000 men, women and children from Africa to the Americas – in June 2020, but argued that its existence constituted a public offence or a hate crime. After Wednesday’s verdict, former cabinet minister Robert Jenrick suggested the rule of law had been undermined, while Tom Hunt, a vice-chair of the parliamentary Common Sense Group, said he was “deeply concerned by the precedent set here”, despite the fact that jury decisions do not set legal precedents. Writing on Twitter on Friday, Braverman said: “Trial by jury is an important guardian of liberty and must not be undermined. However, the decision in the Colston statue case is causing confusion. “Without affecting the result of this case, as attorney general, I am able to refer matters to the court of appeal so that senior judges have the opportunity to clarify the law for future cases. I am carefully considering whether to do so.” Simon Spence QC, of Red Lion Chambers, who prosecutes and defends serious crime cases, said: “The issue here as I see it is more that the attorney general does not like the jury’s verdict rather than that any point of law has arisen. The allegation was criminal damage, which is a very straightforward offence [for a judge] to direct juries about. My concern about this particular situation is that it appears to be politically driven rather than legally driven, and that is not what section 36 is intended for.” Spence and other lawyers the Guardian spoke to said they could not recall such a referral by the attorney general in similar circumstances. Ken Macdonald QC, who was director of public prosecutions from 2003 to 2008, said: “It is difficult to think of a case more appropriate to be decided by a randomly selected panel of local people. Juries have always been given the space to do what they think is right, sometimes by using their verdicts to assert changing values or to push back against abuses of power. This dispensation has served our country very well over the centuries, and ministers would be very foolish to try to challenge it – particularly for what appear to be political motives pushed by backbench Conservative MPs.” If the case does go to the court of appeal, the judges will not rule on whether the jury’s decision was correct, only on whether there was an error in law in the directions that were given to the jury. Depending on the appeal court’s opinion, it could affect how juries are directed on a particular point of law in future, but it would not lead to the Colston Four verdicts being overturned or a retrial. Kirsty Brimelow QC, vice-chair of the Criminal Bar Association, said: “A politician is unlikely to have expertise in the laws governing direct-action protest and may not understand the statutory defences within the offence of criminal damage and so this could be a knee-jerk reaction, which is disappointing. I have not seen any specific criticism of the judge’s legal directions and route to verdict, which appear legally sound. “It is a concern that an impression is being given that the jury’s acquittal is being challenged. It is important to emphasise that the jury’s acquittal cannot be overturned and the defendants will remain not guilty – whether the attorney general attempts to utilise section 36 of the CJA or not. “However, it would be helpful for the attorney general to make clear that she respects the verdict of the jury and its right to return not guilty verdicts. After all, these verdicts are a sign of independent courts and a robust rule of law. This should be praised.” The shadow attorney general, Emily Thornberry, tweeted: “The attorney general has a duty to uphold democracy, the rule of law and the sanctity of the jury system, not play political games when she doesn’t like the results. I hoped Suella Braverman had learned a lesson after her shameful intervention on Barnard Castle, but clearly not.” Braverman faced calls to resign last year after she defended Dominic Cummings’ trip to Durham during lockdown. She was accused of pre-empting a police investigation into Boris Johnson’s then chief aide. Juries have an absolute right to acquit, which they have exercised in the past for protesters against climate change and military action, even when defendants have admitted causing disruption or damage, such as in cases of climate crisis protest. People who have used, grown or supplied cannabis for the purposes of alleviating pain have also been acquitted by juries in the past. Braverman, who became attorney general in 2020, was formerly a barrister specialising in planning law and judicial review. Her two immediate predecessors as attorney general, Geoffrey Cox QC and Dominic Grieve QC, were widely regarded as having been removed from office because they put their office’s legal independence above party politics.

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