LONDON: The BBC said on Wednesday that the channel will not subscribe to “cancel culture” and will actively provide a platform for individuals with contrary and opposition viewpoints. The BBC’s director of editorial policy, David Jordan, told the House of Lords communications committee that the broadcaster should “represent all points of view” and that the BBC’s impartiality rests on its commitment to freedom of speech. “We are very committed to ensuring that viewpoints are heard from all different sorts of perspectives and we don’t subscribe to the ‘cancel culture’ that some groups would put forward,” he said. Jordan said that everyone should expect their views to be appropriately represented by the national broadcaster – even if they believe the Earth is flat. “It’s critical to the BBC that we represent all points of view and give them due weight,” he said. “Flat-earthers are not going to get as much space as people who believe the Earth is round, but very occasionally it might be appropriate to interview a flat-earther and if a lot of people believed in a flat Earth we’d need to address it more.” BBC is reportedly dealing with internal staff battles over its approach to covering topics such as politics, race and gender self-identification. Tim Davie, BBC’s director general said he was aware that this policy change might deter journalists from taking risks and making bald editorial decisions.
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