The Ukrainian Trap and the Chinese Key

  • 3/14/2022
  • 00:00
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Ingenuity has always marked Vladimir Putin’s image. It first manifested when he contained the winds of disintegration and drove them away from the Russian Federation, then became more evident when he convinced quite a few Western leaders that he was fit to join the dance of international relations, and that he was not a ticking time bomb. A continent like Europe did not realize the danger of addiction to Russian gas consumption. Similarly, Barack Obama overlooked the implications of Sergei Lavrov’s game that made Washington abandon the “red line” in Syria. Putin’s ingenuity no longer needs proof. It was confirmed with the restoration of Crimea and his inexpensive military intervention in Syria, where he succeeded in making Russian presence a Syrian, Iranian, Israeli, regional and international necessity. Recognizing Putin’s ingenuity prompted countries, analysts and journalists to drop the idea of Russia falling into the Ukrainian “trap”, despite the increasing buildup of the Russian army on the Ukrainian border. It should be noted, however, that the West has deliberately forgotten previous promises not to open the doors of NATO to the countries that jumped off the Soviet train. But obviously western leaders did not see the fundamental difference between Putin and Yeltsin, nor did they take into consideration the chronic siege phobia inherent in the Russian spirit. Hence, they could not imagine seeing a bloody feast in the streets of Ukraine and the Russian army raining down its shells on Ukrainian barracks, bridges and cities. The prevailing impression was that the master of the Kremlin would not venture to reignite war on European soil, nor would he provide a justification for Russia’s reinstatement as the number one enemy of European stability… They thought that Putin would avoid providing pretexts for reviving the spirit of the NATO alliance, which had almost lost the reason for its existence… They also believed that he would not give America an opportunity to drain Russia’s capabilities and image and cut the arteries that connect it to the West. Not many expected to see Russian tanks burning in the streets or on the outskirts of Ukrainian cities and to see millions of civilians fleeing Putin’s fire. Scenes from Ukraine trigger many questions. Did the master of the Kremlin expect the Ukrainians to show such ferocity in defending their land? Did he expect Western sanctions to be so comprehensive and severe, and clearly aimed at destroying his economy and taking his country back decades? Was he aware that the heavy cost of falling into the Ukrainian trap would impact the Russians’ food security and standard of living? Did he expect thousands of coffins to be returned from Ukraine to Russia, and what could they provoke in light of the ethnic, religious and cultural interdependence between the two countries? The master fell into the trap and took the world with him. The Russian army will not be defeated in Zelenskyys land, but the Russian economy may be defeated in Russia. The difference between the Russian army’s intervention in Syria and its immersion in Ukrainian lanes is enormous. The Ukrainian account of the war has beaten the Russian version of events. Western media has succeeded n showing the impending dangers against the world as a result of “Putin’s war”. Europe is increasing its defense budgets and preparing for the worst. The number of hungry people on the planet is likely to rise after many found out that Ukraine was also a land of wheat, barley, corn and oils. Energy and food prices have risen globally. The continuation of the war portends a colossal global catastrophe in a world that was struggling to overcome the coronavirus massacre. Russia falling into the Ukrainian trap will change the country itself and the whole world with it. The West will be different. The changes will be reflected in different theaters of what used to be the “global village”, which was preoccupied with globalization and the rush of goods, people and ideas. The United Nations cannot be relied upon to help the world escape the Ukrainian trap, as the veto looms over the Security Council. Moreover, the combined efforts of the French president and the German chancellor are not conducive to optimism. And lastly, Pope Francis’ plea to Putin is reminiscent of Stalin’s famous quote: “How many divisions has the Pope?” The Russian war in Ukraine is more than the world can bear. Destruction on the European continent awakens memories of the world wars. Abolishing countries and subjugating people is no longer acceptable. Blood is flowing... The blood of soldiers, civilians and journalists, and the tears of refugees. The influx of foreign soldiers is painful news for Ukraine and the world. Who will assume the responsibility for the horrors they may commit? As one man pushed the world into the abyss, another can help it not be lost for too long. The master of Beijing has no right to look at the Ukraine crisis as an opportunity to recover Taiwan. The world’s descent into the Ukrainian trap will give priority to the path of destruction over the Silk Road. China’s interests with the European Union and America are many times greater than its profits with Russia. Xi Jinping will not benefit from seeing Russia besieged and aggressive and its economy bleeding. Such an American victory not only complicates the restoration of Taiwan, but also the rise of China, as an open alliance with Russia would close many markets in its face. In fact, without Beijing’s help, Russia cannot withstand the storm of sanctions targeting it. One man has the key to get the world out of the trap, stop Russia from shedding more Ukrainian blood, rescue Europe out of the Ukrainian plight, and prevent the escalation of the military, economic and living disaster. China has so far dealt with the crisis with a degree of caution. It is the right moment to emerge as a responsible major power and perhaps benefit from the heavy cost that will be paid by all those caught in the Ukrainian fire. The world is awaiting the key solution held by the man sitting on the throne of the Chinese Communist Party.

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