Australia news live update: Anthony Albanese takes charge as Labor inches towards majority government

  • 5/23/2022
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Fowler local independent Dai Le is speaking on the ABE. Le fought off Labor’s Kristina Keneally, who was parachuted into the formally safe seat. A day ago yesterday, I sat in my loungeroom and just - you know, was thinking back to the moment when I -my family escaped communist Vietnam on a rickety boat, in the ocean, I didn’t know whether we would live or die, and so - and I just can’t believe it. Look, it’s surreal. Le said Labor voters were “insulted” by the party sending Keneally to run in the seat. A lot of voters were so angry and a lot of labor voters actually were so angry with the fact that the LaborParty was arrogant enough to think that they can parachute somebody from the Northern Beaches, to come and represent the south-west, one of the most socially disadvantaged communities here in our - in south-west Sydney in Fairfield and the Liverpool area, to represent us. She has no roots here. She’s not connected to this area. So how can we trust that she can deliver for us? She’s never lived through the challenges that we have lived through. Ardern and Albanese to talk deportations From AAP: New Zealand is eyeing an improved relationship with Australia after the election of Anthony Albanese. Jacinda Ardern says she will use soon-to-be-arranged talks with the new Labor PM to progress New Zealand’s biggest issue with its most important relationship: deportations. Labor’s rise to power in Australia means the centre-left is in government on both sides of the Tasman. The alignment is rare, occurring for just one year in the past 32 – in 2008, the first year of Kevin Rudd’s government and the last of Helen Clark’s. Already Ms Ardern and Mr Albanese have chatted twice; once as the incoming PM went to give his victory speech, and again on Sunday. In breakfast television and radio interviews on Monday, Ms Ardern said their focus was on international issues. “The prime minister-elect is heading to a Quad meeting. I’m off to the United States,” she said. “We talked about the ability to meet sometime soon so that we can talk face-to-face about those issues.” The pair could meet formally as soon as next month, when the Pacific Islands Forum is expected to be held in Fiji. Anthony Albanese to be sworn in at 9am this morning Less than an hour away ... Stuart Robert says Dutton would make "excellent" Liberal leader From AAP: Peter Dutton would make an “excellent” Liberal leader in the wake of the federal Coalition’s election defeat, an outgoing minister says. But fellow Queensland MP Stuart Robert rejected suggestions Mr Dutton, the former defence minister, could take the Liberal party further to the right. “The key thing for the Liberal-Nationals parties is to represent aspiration,” he told Nine Network on Monday. “We have always been a sensible centre-right party and that is where which we should stay. “Peter Dutton would make an excellent leader in terms of bringing everyone together.” Mr Robert also addressed the Liberal party’s “woman problem” in the wake of an almost all-female slate of independents winning their seats and knocking off mainly moderate Liberal MPs. “Everything is on the table ... to ensure that we can properly represent every single part of Australia,” he said. Ex-prime minister Scott Morrison will formally step down from the Liberal leadership when the top job is spilled at the next party room meeting. And lastly, Ryan is asked what her view will be if Peter Dutton wins leadership of the Liberal party: From my point of view, I’m a sort of centrist politician and I have been elected in that way by the people of Kooyong. Taking the Liberal party further to the right I don’t think would resonate well in Kooyong. And I think members of other electorates around Australia would have that concern as well. And so I think a challenge for Mr Dutton would be to, you know – and I don’t want to speak for him as the potential Liberal leader – but to consider the extent to which his government’s, the Morrison government’s, move to the right was really an unproductive thing for them in the last election. Ryan is asked about what she makes of female voters abandoning the Coalition: I think that the population of Australia expects better from its government. This is a government that hasn’t held women safe in its own workplace. It’s a government that has seen an increase in homelessness from women over 50. It’s a government which has failed to take action on the gender pay gap and superannuation. It’s a government that hasn’t provided accessible childcare for many families. This is what the people are dissatisfied with. These are all issues that will be addressed by myself and other independents and hopefully by other members of the crossbench and the government in the three years to come. Ryan said the Labor party’s climate change target is just not good enough, and she hopes the party will work with her and the other teals to deliver the meaningful policy to curb the crisis: The Labor party’s 2030 target is manifestly inadequate, and that’s a sentiment that’s been expressed by myself, by the other independents, and by the Greens. I think that the value of our contribution in parliament is that we are going to hold the Labor party to account and that we’re gonna pull the government to the table and get it to advance on its current stated position. I think we can do that whether or not we hold the balance of power. I hope that the Albanese government would be happy to talk about the things that matter to our electorates. And as I said, the most important of those is climate change, and that’s the thing that we’ll be talking about to them in the next weeks and months as the government kicks off. Ryan said the one key issue in the electorate was climate change: It was very clear that climate change is the single most important issue to the people of Kooyong. It’s really interesting that the demographics of Kooyong have changed in the last 10 or 15years. There are more young people, and for them, climate change is number one, two and three on the agenda in terms of things that worry them and that is likely to affect their future. But that’s also true for older people as well, people of my generation and people who are older, is that we’re really concerned that the government has failed to take effective action on climate change, and really has not had a cohesive policy on that for at least one or two electoral cycles. "Pretty clear" Monique Ryan has won Kooyong, teal independent says Teal independent Monique Ryan is on the ABC now. She says it’s clear she has won Kooyong. It does seem pretty clear on the numbers we’ve seen so far that the treasurer [Josh Frydenberg] has lost the seat of Kooyong and that I have won it. Ryan said it was the community who won her the seat: I put together a campaign that was based on community. More than 2,000 people came to the campaign, and we knocked together on more than 55,000 doors. Every knockable door in Kooyong. We listened to what people wanted, we listened to their values and their desires, and we put together a platform that reflected those. I think that Mr Frydenberg didn’t appreciate the extent to which there was disaffection within the community of Kooyong with many aspects of the government’s actions in the last three years. Michael McCormack has suggested that Barnaby Joyce’s unpopularity in the inner city contributed to the Coalition government’s downfall in climate-conscious electorates, write Paul Karp and Daniel Hurst: And finally, he was asked if he would not take on the role as ‘the blocker’ in the next parliament: Look, if you look back at the 2010 power-sharing parliament, did any side get everything they wanted? Probably not. But [the] Greens worked with independents, worked with the Labor party to get some real action on things like getting dental into Medicare for kids. And we got action on climate. And ... we want to take this approach this parliament as well. We really want to see some action on the big issues the country is facing on the big climate issues, on housing affordability – so, we’re willing to have any of those discussions in good faith. Primarily, though, the ball will be in the government’s court as to what approach they want to take to this parliament and whether they’re prepared to accept what the Australian people have said, which is they want third voices at the table. Bandt was also asked what the party’s priority was for the next parliament – no prizes for guessing what he answered: The principles that we’ll be taking to it are very clearly that we’ve gotta tackle climate action, and that’s gotta start with this question of coal and gas. One of the reasons that I think we saw alot of people switch to the Greens for the first time this election is that our approach was that we need to have a plan that deals with coal and gas but that looks after the communities. Election results "a mandate for climate action", Bandt says Greens leader Adam Bandt was just on the ABC – he said they are still watching the counting in Richmond in NSW and Macnamara in Vic to see if they pick up two more lower house seats. We’re going to need to see the postal votes that come in over the next few days, but they’re still on the cards for us. We see this very clearly as a mandate for climate action and tackling inequality. Bandt was asked how aggressive they would be in pushing Labor on its climate target, which is to reduce emissions by 43% from the 2005 levels. The approach that we’ll take, especially if it turns out that Labor’s unable to secure a majority to form government and they need to have discussions, our approach will be one of approaching it with, I guess, strong principles but open minds. The second thing I’d say is, look, Liberal and Labor’s vote went backwards this election. Labor may get over the line with the majority or may not, but their vote went backwards, and the Greens and independents said, “We need to take action on coal and gas,” which are the main causes of the climate crisis, and people agreed. We’ve just lived through three years of droughts and fires and floods, and people want action. Good morning Morning everyone - it’s going to be a big start to the week, with a new government. Labor leader Anthony Albanese will be sworn in as Australia’s 31st prime minister today, after claiming victory on Saturday night. The makeup of the parliament is still unclear but Labor is inching in front in 78 seats, which would give it a majority in the House of Reps – so we will keep a close eye on those numbers throughout the day, though it is likely to take a couple of days. Leaving his house around 7am, Albanese told reporters: It’s a big day in my life. But a big day for the country, when we change the government. I want to lead a government that has the same sentiment of optimism and hope that I think defines the Australian people. I want to be positive. I want to channel the opportunity that we have to shape change so that we bring people with us on the journey of change. I want to bring the country together, and the new government starts today. He will be sworn in with deputy prime minister Richard Marles, incoming foreign minister Penny Wong, new treasurer Jim Chalmers and new finance minister Katy Gallagher. Afterwards Albanese and Wong will fly to Japan later today to meet with the leaders of the Quad – the United States, India and Japan. The prime minister-elect issued a statement on Sunday night, saying he would use the meeting to talk about his government’s ambitions to tackle climate change and pursue a stronger foreign policy focus on the region. NSW Liberal treasurer Matt Kean has told the ABC the election loss was an “unmitigated disaster” and that the party needs to “get its act together”. It comes as Peter Dutton is emerging as the most likely to take the leadership spot, with Josh Frydenberg not ready to concede defeat in his inner-city Melbourne seat of Kooyong. Supporters of a Tamil asylum seeker family have said they hope to see them return to Biloela in central Queensland in just a few weeks, after years of living in immigration detention. They’re currently living in community detention in Perth and the Labor party promised that, if it won the election, they’d would be able to go home. And experts at the UN World Health Assembly are meeting in Geneva to discuss monkeypox, a rare viral infection that has now spread to at least a dozen countries, including Australia. Two cases have been confirmed in travellers who have returned to the country – one in New South Wales, the other in Victoria. The smallpox-related disease has only been seen previously among people with links to Central and West Africa.

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