16 sailors freed by pirates

  • 12/15/2022
  • 17:34
  • 4
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ROME, August 10, SPA -- Sixteen sailors, including 10 Italians, whose tug was seized by pirates four months ago are freeafter the pirates abandoned the ship, Italian authoritiessaid Monday. Foreign Minister Franco Frattini told SkyTg24 televisionnews that the Somali Prime Minister Omar Abdirashid AliSharmarke notified him of the release in a phone callSunday evening. Italian and Somali authorities had been working togethergathering intelligence and applying diplomacy to win thehostages' release, Frattini said. «There was a very strong political intervention» betweenthe Somali government and local authorities «who made thepirates understand that the only solution was theliberation of the hostages,» Frattini said on SkyTg24.«The pirates withdrew.» The Foreign Ministry said no ransom was paid, according to a report of The Associated Press. The Italian-flagged Buccaneer tug was seized April 11 inthe Gulf of Aden with a crew of 10 Italians, five Romanians and a Croat. The Italian navy ship Maestrale reached the area immediately after and maintained surveillance of the tug throughout the ordeal, ministry officials said. Officials aboard the Maestrale confirmed that the pirateshad abandoned the ship, and that the crew had retakencontrol, Frattini said. «Italian special forces were there to avoid any danger,which there never was,» Frattini said. The sailors were expected to reach home within a few days.--SPA www.spa.gov.sa/691516

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