Turkey's PM travels to Brussels to bolster EU bid

  • 12/15/2022
  • 17:58
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ANKARA, Jan 18, SPA -- Turkish Prime Minister TayyipErdogan flies to Brussels on Sunday for a visit aimed atboosting the Muslim country's troubled bid for European Unionaccession, reported reuters. Erdogan's trip, his first to Brussels in four years, comesas Ankara faces EU pressure to speed up reforms in a decisiveyear, and amid questions over its commitment. EU officials say privately that Turkey, which beganaccession talks in 2005, may face a deadlock if progress is notmade this year, while analysts warn that trust is ebbing awayand that the two sides must rebuild momentum. "2009 is a decisive year. The political commitment has to bevery clear this year," said Hugh Pope, an analyst from theInternational Crisis Group. Turks accuse Europeans of double standards and polls showsupport for the EU is dwindling as nationalism rises. EU states, likewise, are divided about accepting Turkey. Powerful states such as France and Germany are not keen tosee Turkey join the bloc, questioning the European credentialsof the poor, Muslim country of 70 million people. Erdogan will be accompanied during his three-day visit byEgemen Bagis, Turkey's first full-time EU negotiator, whoseappointment last week was seen as a sign that Ankara might bewilling to push long-delayed reforms. But Erdogan, who has been criticised for his lack ofpresence on the European scene, will also face an increasinglysceptical Europe over Ankara's commitment when he meets EuropeanCommission President Jose Manuel Barroso and other EU leaders. The EU wants Ankara to reform its constitution, improve freespeech, grant more rights to minorities and curb the power ofthe army. Turkey has pledged many times that it is determined tocomplete talks, but Brussels wants deeds, not words. --SPA www.spa.gov.sa/627107

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