MORONI, March 3, SPA -- A fuel ship supplying theComoros army has caught fire, hindering an anticipated militaryoperation against the Indian Ocean archipelago's rebel Anjouanisland, reuters quoted a senior official as saying. Hundreds of troops have gathered on Moheli, the smallest andleast developed of Comoros' three islands, in preparation forthe expected attack. Anjouan's self-declared leader is defyingthe central government by refusing to relinquish power. Used to transport fuel for the military, the Tauris caughtfire at 0200 on Sunday morning (2300 GMT on Saturday) in theport of Comoros' capital Moroni. "An inquiry has been opened to determine the origin of thefire, whether it was accidental or criminal," governmentspokesman Abdourahim Said Bacar told Reuters on Sunday. --SPA
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