South Korean workers clash with police over free trade deal

  • 12/15/2022
  • 19:09
  • 4
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with US SEOUL, Nov 11, SPA -- Thousands of South Koreanfarmers and workers clashed with riot police Sunday at amassive rally against a free trade agreement with theUnited States, reported ap. The clash began when the protesters tried to break througha barricade blocking the road to the U.S. Embassy. Policefired 12 water cannons and sprayed fire extinguishers tohalt the protesters, a police official said on condition ofanonymity, citing policy. Some protesters swung sticks and threw stones at the riotpolice and tried to turn over police buses set up to blockthe protest in central Seoul. Police said they arrested about 100 protesters and thatmore than 10 riot police were injured. Organizers saidabout 50 demonstrators were hurt, mostly with headinjuries. Organizers said 50,000 people took part in the protest,occupying a 16-lane road and chanting slogans against thefree trade deal, while police estimated there were 20,000demonstrators. «We will thwart (the passage) of the FTA as it woulddeepen the polarization of our society,» said WooMoon-sook, a spokeswoman for the Korean Confederation ofTrade Unions, one of organizers of the rally near SeoulCity Hall. Trade chiefs from the two countries signed the accord inJune, concluding months of tough negotiations to lower oreliminate tariffs and other trade barriers on a wide rangeof products and services. The agreement must be endorsed by the legislatures of bothcountries before it goes into effect. The South Koreangovernment submitted the pact to the National Assembly inSeptember for approval. South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun said Sunday that hiscountry could be left behind in the global economy withoutthe free trade deal, saying it could give South Korea achance to move forward.--SPA

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