Eight civilians killed in car bomb attack in Samarra

  • 12/15/2022
  • 19:15
  • 16
  • 0
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BAGHDAD, October 14, SPA -- Eight Iraqi civilians were killed and four others were wounded when a suicide bomber driving anexplosives-laden fuel tanker was fatally shot by police andhis truck blew up near police headquarters in Samarra,about 95 kilometers (60 miles) north of Baghdad, policesaid Sunday. Immediately after the Saturday afternoon explosion whichdamaged at least 10 homes, about 20 vehicles with at least60 gunmen drove up to the site and clashed with the police,according to a police official, speaking on condition ofanonymity because he was not authorized to speak to themedia. Most of the nearby homes that were damaged in theblast were empty, he was quoted as saying by The Associated Press. At least three police officers were wounded in the ensuingfighting, which ended after U.S. military helicopters flewoverhead, according to police.--SPA www.spa.gov.sa/490354

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