2 U.S. soldiers killed in Iraq

  • 12/15/2022
  • 20:35
  • 9
  • 0
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BAGHDAD, Iraq, Sept 7, SPA -- Two American soldiers were killed in separate incidents in Iraq, the U.S. military command said Thursday. Both died on Wednesday, the military said in separatestatements. One soldier, assigned to 1st Brigade, 1stArmored Division, died in the restive Anbar province westof Baghdad «due to injuries sustained from enemy action.» A second soldier, from the 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division, was killed while on a mission nearHawija, 240 kilometers (150 miles) north of Baghdad. The identities of the two soldiers were not released while the military contacted their families, the Associated Press reported.--SPA www.spa.gov.sa/387723

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