Tehran, Iran, Feb 6, SPA -- An Iranian spokesman called onEuropean negotiators Sunday to show "more seriousness" in talks about the Tehran's nuclear program and said Iran had kept its commitment to suspend its uranium enrichment program. "There is no doubt that Europeans have to show moreseriousness. We hope Europeans will pursue talks withgreater activity," said Foreign Ministry spokesman HamidReza Asefi in a press conference. Asefi also denied reports on Friday from diplomats inVienna, citing U.S. intelligence reports, who said Iran wastesting some parts of centrifuge machines that are used toenrich uranium, the material for producing fuel for nuclearreactors or atomic bombs. "The report is not true. We remain faithful to ourcommitments. There has been no violation on the part ofIran," he said. Asefi said a new round of nuclear talks with Europeanswill begin Monday. Iran repeatedly has denied allegationsof a secret nuclear weapons programs, saying its nuclearactivities are for peaceful energy purposes "Negotiations have not reached a deadlock. Talks arecontinuing. A new round of talks will begin Monday," Asefisaid. "We don't want concessions from Europeans," said Asefi."We want our rights. That we possess peaceful nucleartechnology is not a concession for Iran. ... We will notrelinquish our rights." Under international pressure, Iransuspended uranium enrichment and all related activities inNovember to build trust and avoid U.N. Security Councilsanctions. The IAEA agreed to police the suspension ofIran's nuclear activities and Iran has said it will decidewithin three months whether to continue suspension.--SPA1418 Local Time 1118 GMT www.spa.gov.sa/237190
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