Britain nears announcement on U.S. request for troop

  • 12/15/2022
  • 22:47
  • 6
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redeployment in Iraq London, Oct 21, SPA -- Prime Minister Tony Blair and his Cabinetmet Thursday to discuss a U.S. request for British troopsto be moved into volatile central Iraq, a proposal that hasmet strong opposition within the governing Labour Party. British Defense Secretary Geoff Hoon planned a statementto the House of Commons Thursday afternoon, Blair'sofficial spokesman said. "There was unanimous support from the Cabinet for thetroops and their commanders on the ground and respect fortheir judgment and a determination that government shoulddo all that it can in helping with the process of bringingfree elections to Iraq in January, to help finish the jobthat they have set out to do," said the spokesman. Meanwhile, the senior British commander in Iraq said moreBritish troops could be sent to the country to boostsecurity ahead of elections scheduled for January. "There may be a request to surge additional forces intoIraq in the run-up to the elections _ that has beendiscussed," Gen. John McColl was quoted as saying by TheTimes newspaper. "But it is no more than prudent planningat this stage."--SPA1359 Local Time 1059 GMT

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