-17-politics/Chinese president sends North Korea's leader message through top

  • 12/15/2022
  • 22:56
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Beijing, Sept 13, SPA -- President Hu Jintao sent North Koreanleader Kim Jong Il a letter urging stronger "coordinationand cooperation" between the two countries, the Chinesegovernment said Monday, as efforts to hold another round oftalks on the North's nuclear program gathered speed. China hopes to convene talks by the end of September, butdates have yet to be set, Assistant Foreign Minister ShenGuofang said Monday. "We do hope that the six-party talks can open asscheduled, but now we have to do coordinating work with allthe parties concerned," he said. Three rounds of talks by the United States, Russia, Japan,China and the two Koreas have ended without major progresstoward settling a dispute over North Korea's nuclearambitions. President Hu sent his message through a delegation of topgovernment and Communist Party leaders that was visitingNorth Korea, the official Xinhua News Agency said. "China will work with the Democratic People's Republic ofKorea to continue to develop friendship ... between the twocountries," Xinhua said, citing the letter delivered by LiChangchun, a senior party leader. Hu said he hoped both countries would "strengthencoordination and cooperation ... understand and supporteach other, and seek common development so as to benefitthe two peoples.""--SP1332 Local Time 1032 GMT www.spa.gov.sa/201023

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