The Global Center for Combating Extremist Ideology (Etidal), in cooperation with Telegram, has managed to remove 15,021,951 extremist content and close 6,824 extremist channels that used to publish extremist propaganda through Telegram app during 2022. Etidal said that during the Q4 of 2022, from September to December, it has succeeded with Telegram in monitoring and removing 8,494,035 extremist content by three terrorist organizations (Al-Qaeda — ISIS — Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham), which was published through 3,616 channels. The extremist content removed belonging to ISIS topped with 4,172,215 extremist content published through 2,654 channels, followed by Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham with 3,696,483 extremist content published through 703 channels, while Al-Qaeda published 625,337 extremist content through 259 channels. Moreover, the number of extremist content and channels removed and closed during 2022, and since the start of joint cooperation between Etidal and Telegram on Feb. 21 until the end of December 2022, has reached 15,021,951 extremist content, and 6,824 extremist channels, by three terrorist organizations. 7,645,650 extremist content was removed and 1,676 extremist channels belonging to Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham were closed, 5,458,027 extremist content was removed and 4,359 extremist channels were closed belonging to ISIS, while 1,918,274 extremist content and 789 extremist channels were removed belonging to Al-Qaeda. Etidal and Telegram continue their joint efforts by cooperating and coordinating to remove extremist content published in Arabic, which include media files in various formats (PDF), videos and recordings, by cooperating in protecting the platform"s users from its risks and attempts to exploit the platform in circulating such content. — SG
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