Eid Al-Adha Prayer Performed at the Grand Holy Mosque 5 Mina

  • 2/5/2023
  • 06:06
  • 6
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My dear brothers in Islaam, you must realize that there people who are opponents to yourselves and your religion; those who strongly dislike you and your brothers having the blessing of Islaam; and those who detest you having safety, prosperity, tranquility, and stability. They endeavour to strip you of your blessings so that you would be the same as them. They look for any way break apart your jamaa'ah (collective that adheres to what is correct), leave you dispersed, rip brothers apart, and sever the bond between the people of Islaam and their leaders. Therefore, my dear Muslim brothers, be alert and cautious. Do not leave any room to accommodate misinformation or rumours. Beware of phrases like such and such "is what the people are saying." Remember your obligation to obey the leader in authority regarding all that does not amount to disobeying Allaah. Realize that doing so is necessary for every person who submits to Allaah in Islaam, and it amounts to being sincere to the leader and assisting Him in fulfilling Allaah's commands and avoiding Allaah's prohibitions. Also realize that contending with the leader in authority is impermissible. In a hadeeth in the Two Saheeh collections, Aboo Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) narrated that Allaah's Messenger (may Allaah grant him commendation and protection) said, "If someone obeys me, he obeys Allaah; if someone disobeys me, he disobeys Allaah; if someone obeys the leader in authority, he obeys me; and if someone disobeys the leader in authority, he disobeys me." At-Tirmithee collected a hadeeth with a hasan chain of narration from Aboo Bakrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) who stated that he heard Allaah's Messenger (may Allaah grant him commendation and protection) say, "If a person degrades the leader in authority, Allaah will indeed degrade that person." Thus, the leader is a shield and source of protection for those under his governance, and he bears many responsibilities and difficulties on their behalf. He tires himself so they can rest, stays awake so they can sleep, works hard so they can be happy, endeavours to attain what they require, and strives to keep harms and dangers away from them. The leader in authority has better insight into what is best for his people and nation. He has better expertise when it comes to bringing about advantages and avoiding disadvantages, and he also has better knowledge regarding other governments and nations. Thus, it is necessary for us to love him for Allaah's sake, support him, stand in solidarity with him, and remain sincere to him in all ways we can. Allaah, the Most Exalted, said, ((People of eemaan, obey Allaah, obey the Messenger, and those in authority among you. If you ever dispute about something, refer it back to Allaah and the Messenger if you truly have eemaan in Allaah and the Last Day. Doing so is better than disputing or acting based on mere opinion, and it will produce the best outcome)) [4:59]. May Allaah bless all of us by the Glorious Qur'aan and may He enable us to glean benefit from from the evidences and wisdom it contains. --More 10:53 LOCAL TIME 07:53 GMT 0006 www.spa.gov.sa/w1382136

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