OIC virtual extraordinary meeting of Foreign Ministers on COVID-19 effects issues final communique 4 Jeddah

  • 2/25/2023
  • 09:26
  • 9
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12. The Meeting appreciates the actions taken by the OIC and its relevant organs and institutions especially the IsDB, which has launched a US$ 2.3 billion Strategic Preparedness and Response Program to counter the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic through supporting the efforts to prevent, contain, mitigate, and recover from its impacts. It also notes with appreciation the OIC-ISF Urgent Initiative to Assist Member States and the ISF's donation of $1 million to the contingency account. It encourages Member States to contribute generously to the fund established by the OIC General Secretariat to mitigate the urgent needs in Member States. The Meeting calls for giving priority to the least developed Member States and particularly those whose fragility is exacerbated and response to the pandemic are hindered with the ongoing conflicts and terrorism, as well as the Muslim communities in non-Member States. 13. The Meeting calls upon all Member States and the OIC institutions to display their solidarity with the African OIC countries against the COVID-19 pandemic, which are in a vulnerable and disadvantaged situation due to their scarce means in healthcare sector, in order to answer their urgent needs such as medical and good supplies, and economic and financial assistance, 14. The Meeting recognizes that managing the crisis and mitigating its impact requires an emphasis on retaining jobs, supporting the most vulnerable ones including the self-employed, ensuring liquidity, promoting skill development, introducing favorable tax policies, lifting travel restrictions as soon as the health emergency allows, and boosting marketing and consumer confidence to recover economic growth and sustain financial stability. It appreciates in this regard the invitation by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the current Presidency of the G20, to hold an Extraordinary G20 Leaders’ Summit of to unite international efforts to combat the spread of the coronavirus pandemic. G20 Members have already injected more than US$ 5 trillion into the world economy and supported a time-bound suspension of debt service payments for the poorest countries. They agreed on a common term sheet which was also agreed by the Paris Club. 15. The Meeting notes the need to pay special attention to the situation in Palestine and calls upon the international community to put pressure on the Occupying power to lift any restrictions on the entry of medical and food items to enable the Palestinians to face this pandemic, also calls upon the Member States to extend support to the people of Palestine with a view to enhancing their capacity to deal with this pandemic. 16. The Meeting recalls the Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan that the UNRWA has launched in order to better address the needs of the Palestine refugees and calls upon OIC Member States and the international community to channel further support to the Plan. 17. The Meeting urges the parties in conflict areas to declare a ceasefire, end the violence, and allow medical and food assistance to reach the affected. It appeals to the humanitarian actors and donors to provide food aid and identify safe pathways for helping the countries concerned. In this context, it strongly supports the UN Secretary-General's appeal for a global ceasefire to focus on fighting coronavirus pandemic. It also welcomes the announcement by the Coalition to Support Legitimacy in Yemen of a two-week ceasefire in Yemen starting April 9, 2020, and calls on all parties to respect this initiative and engage in talks for a comprehensive and lasting peace agreed upon by all Yemenis. --More 01:02 LOCAL TIME 22:02 GMT 0032 www.spa.gov.sa/w1312587

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