Saudi Arabia, Korea issue joint communique following official visit of HRH Crown Prince to the Republic of Korea 3 Seoul

  • 2/25/2023
  • 11:49
  • 6
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Fourth: Reliable Friends for the Future: 9 - Noting that the two countries are members of the G20, not only in economic development, but to enhance the quality of life for everybody of their peoples as national objectives, the two sides, accordingly, agreed to expand cooperation in the field of public services, including health care, medical services, e-government services, statistics, and patent for invention, and signed a number of memorandums of understanding, including the national strategy program for intellectual property, the MOU on cooperation in the field of health insurance, MOU on cooperation in the field of e-government, MOU on mutual cooperation in the field of control of financial institutions. They also agreed on continuing the enhancement of cooperation in the fields of defense, diplomatic affairs and defense industries, as both sides underscore the importance of peace keeping, security and stability of the two countries. 10- The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, confirmed, in its capacity as the world's most reliable source of energy, its commitment to seek the continuation of the flow of oil supplies to international markets and agreed to meet Korea's increasing needs of raw oil, and petroleum products in particular and compensate any short that might arise due to other supply cuts. Fifth: Putting the necessary bases for achieving sustainable cooperation through cultural and popular exchange: 11 - The two sides affirmed the importance of people-to-people communication to further consolidate the bases of sustainable cooperation. They agreed on the importance of expanding joint exchanges among peoples and cultures to overpass the current bilateral relations which were based on economic cooperation. In particular, the two sides expressed hope that the memos they have reached during this visit could contribute to enhance cultural and popular exchanges, and build cooperation bases that would continue affecting the coming generations, citing memos on cooperation in the fields of culture, tourism, sports, social protection, human resources management, and civil service. The two sides also welcomed the Memo on facilitating visit visas for citizens, which went into force last February as the two sides are also looking forward to enhance exchanges and cooperation between the private sector and the peoples of the two countries through the distinguished residence system, recently announced by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 12 - The two sides agreed to expand the domain of bilateral exchange opportunities among the youths of the two countries as the field of youths capacity building is a key field of bilateral cooperation and work together and closely in the field of education including cooperation expansion among academic institutions. They also agreed to enhance academic scholarships exchange, educational opportunities, student visits encouragement, translation of distinguished scientific and arts materials and publishing them in scientific journals. Six: Establishing a partnership that leads to a leading role for peace and stability at the regional level. --More 23:58 LOCAL TIME 20:58 GMT 0029

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