Sunday with Adele Parks: ‘I might sit down to write, with cats sprawled on my keyboard’

  • 9/17/2023
  • 00:00
  • 71
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Up early or lie in? Lie in, but only until 7am as Gorgeous and Fabulous, our cats, demand to be let out then. Once that’s done and we’ve had breakfast, it’s back to bed with the papers until 10. Full English or something healthy? Every day, including Sunday, is a kale smoothie, which sounds horrible, but is delicious. It’s a liquid salad: kale, celery, parsley, rocket, lemon and apple. It gives me a kick. Sundays growing up? Very family oriented. We’d alternate between spending the day with each set of grandparents. We’d visit all the great aunties and uncles and there would be lots of comic reading and afternoon chocolate consuming. Then, as a teenager, because I was a strange little person, I’d spend all day doing my homework, only breaking for Sunday lunch. Booze or booze free? I only drink two types of alcoholic drinks: champagne and spicy margaritas and I might have one – or maybe two – glasses with my roast. Sunday siesta? Absolutely. I’ll have a little rest, then spend some me-time reading novels, often from the same genre that I write. No TV, rarely even background music, just reading. Write or not? I write five days a week so I try to avoid it at the weekend, but if I’ve had a busy week, events wise, I might sit down to write, often with the cats sprawled on my keyboard, in what can only be described as a pigsty of an office. My husband is incredibly tidy, but I’m the opposite. Sweet dreams? If I sleep well, which I often don’t. I get six hours on average but lLast night I didn’t sleep at all as I was chewing over a particularly tricky plot point, so I went for a walk in the middle of the night. I watched some foxes attack a bin and that distraction helped shake up my brain cells a little. Sunday dreads? I never get them. I’m always desperate for the new week to start. I love what I do. I know I’m going to be writing up to 10,000 words in that coming week and be that bit closer to finishing the next book – and I just can’t wait to get started.

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