Ambassador gathers together Peruvian community in Saudi Arabia to celebrate national day

  • 7/13/2024
  • 00:00
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RIYADH: Peru’s embassy opened its doors in Riyadh to Peruvians living in Saudi Arabia to celebrate its national day and the Peruvian independence month of July. “Today is a special occasion for the Peruvians, it’s a gathering during this month. Why? Because July is the month of our independence,” Carlos Zapata, the ambassador of Peru to Saudi Arabia, told Arab News. “Our independence is on July 28 but we celebrate now because I have the opportunity to gather lots of the Peruvians before they move for vacation,” he said. The ambassador said that the event was also a chance for Peruvians living in Saudi Arabia to get to know each other. “This is an opportunity for them to join together and celebrate our national day,” he said. Peruvian National Day falls on July 28 each year and marks the day Peru gained its independence from Spain in 1824. During the national holiday, Peruvians enjoy authentic food and commemorate the occasion, and this celebratory tradition was carried out thousands of miles away in Saudi Arabia. Zapata expressed what it meant for him to see so many Peruvians gathering to celebrate the national day in the embassy in Riyadh. “I think it’s very interesting because a lot of Peruvians have big opportunities in Saudi Arabia. I am very happy to receive this number of Peruvians, we have officially registered around 300 (Peruvians living in Saudi Arabia). “I’m very happy to see the Peruvians that appreciate the opportunities in Saudi Arabia and appreciate all the changes in Saudi Arabia.” The ambassador said that he arrived in the Kingdom during his first mission as ambassador from 2015-2019. He recalled the changes he has seen since starting his second mission in 2022, describing it as a “privilege” to witness the changes. “Really it’s a privilege to have that opportunity, so I can tell people about the changes,” he said. “For a diplomat that is very important.”  In 2015 the ambassador said that there were about 60 Peruvians living and working in Saudi Arabia, mainly in the oil industry, and now there were more than 300 Peruvians working in the Kingdom. The ambassador said that he would like to see cooperation grow in the trade sector between the two countries. “I think there’s a lot to do together and I hope in the near future we will have more things to show between both countries,” he said. “In agricultural produce, Saudi Arabia needs the produce and we produce the produce.” Zapata said that shared know-how was another area where the two countries could further their bilateral cooperation. “Saudi Arabia has a lot of know-how, especially in the oil field and gas field, and we can share our experience in the mining field,” he said. The ambassador introduced Arab News to one of the guests at the national day celebration, Leyla Reynaga, who now has Saudi nationality and has been living and working in the Kingdom for 40 years. “I have been in Saudi Arabia for nearly 40 years. I am married to a Saudi. We have been married for nearly 40 years and we have five sons,” Reynaga said. “I have thoroughly enjoyed my life in Saudi Arabia. It hasn’t been difficult at all, to be honest — some people may be surprised to hear that but it hasn’t been difficult at all.” Reynaga is retired but was head of the English department of Al-Qasim University and a consultant for the vice director of the university. “On July 28, Peru celebrates their independence from the Spanish colony. It’s a wonderful event that happened 200 years ago, and today the ambassador of Peru has been so kind to invite all of the Peruvians living in Saudi Arabia to celebrate together,” she said. “It’s a wonderful event and it’s wonderful to see all the community, we have been very welcome and we are enjoying our time in the embassy.”  Reynaga highlighted the joy she feels at seeing so many Peruvians experiencing what the Kingdom has to offer. “I’m very happy that a lot of Peruvians are coming to Saudi Arabia to see the beauty of the country, to see the beauty of Islam, and to see the amazing, amazing kindness, welcoming capacity and ability of the Saudi people,” she said.

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