Anti-extremism group Etidal helps Telegram remove 160m items of extremist content in 3 years

  • 1/6/2025
  • 00:00
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The Global Center for Combating Extremist Ideology, also known as Etidal, said on Monday that more than 31 million items of extremist content were removed from messaging service Telegram during the final quarter of 2024. This brought the total number of such items removed from the platform since the start of their partnership in 2021 to more than 160 million, it added. Etidal, which is based in Riyadh, said international cooperation is important in efforts to address extremist ideologies and counter the global threat posed by terrorist organizations, and that the collaboration with Telegram has had a significant effect in curbing the spread of extremist propaganda and recruitment efforts. The platform said it has intensified its efforts to combat extremism since 2022 and expressed its appreciation for the partnership with Etidal, saying it has proved to be instrumental in efforts to identify and remove harmful content. “There is no place for incitement to violence or terrorist propaganda on Telegram,” it added. Etidal said it uses advanced technologies to help monitor and analyze extremist content, and detect the deceptive propaganda and tactics used by terrorist organizations in an attempt to evade content removal. It added that its efforts form part of Saudi Arabia’s broader strategy to help safeguard societies through an integrated approach, including targeted media campaigns to raise awareness of the dangers of extremism. In addition to its partnership with Telegram, Etidal has established strategic collaborations with other international organizations. In 2021, for example, it signed a memorandum of understanding with the UN Counter-Terrorism Center

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