Palestinian UN Ambassador Files Complaint against US over Jerusalem

  • 12/9/2017
  • 00:00
  • 16
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Palestine filed a complaint at the United Nations on Friday against the United States over President Donald Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Palestinian UN Ambassador Riyad Mansour said that acting Charge d’Affaires Fida Abdul Hadi Nasser had filed the complaint to head of the Security Council for this month, Japan, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres and head of the General Assembly. She demanded that the UN Security Council address this critical issue without delay, urging the international community to reaffirm its clear and legal stance on Jerusalem and reject all violations against it. She cited resolutions 476 and 478 issued in 1980 on Jerusalem that recognize the special status of the city, as well as resolution 2334 that was issued in 2016 and which “does not recognize any changes to the June 4, 1967 borders.” The US decision on Jerusalem violates these resolutions and therefore does not have legal basis, she added. East Jerusalem has been occupied since 1967 and the US president’s declaration does not change this truth, she stressed. The UN Security Council had held an emergency meeting on Friday in order to address the fallout from Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Friday marked a “day of rage” in Palestinian territories where hundreds of people took to the streets after Friday Muslim prayers to protest Trump’s move. One person was killed in ensuing clashes with Israeli forces and at least 300 were wounded. Demonstrations in condemnation of Trump were also held throughout the Arab and Muslim world. As part of the fallout from the decision, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas refused on Friday to welcome US Vice President Mike Pence during his upcoming visit to Bethlehem. A White House official said however that the US official is still determined to meet Abbas as scheduled. Abbas will also not meet with Trump in Washington. Abbas’ aide and Fatah central committee member Mohammed Ashtya said that there was no need or meaning for such meetings. Ashtya declared on Friday that the Palestinian leadership will turn to international and US tribunals in order to annul Trump’s decision. He said that the leadership is studying all options, adding that Israel does not want a political solution or the establishment of a Palestinian state.

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